Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Lead Carbon Batteries


Only just come across this technology and it seems cheaper, safer and as long lasting (with high DOD) as LiFePo4 - just a lot heavier!!

Has anyone looked into this chemistry or played with them?

Bruce S:
I'm still trying to gather information about them, but here's the site I use to try and stay up on these things.
They're well known company that I used to deal with when I worked with 1000s of NiCds.

They are an interesting read.

Bruce S

The comments go back 6 years. This technology doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

For regenerative braking and rapid shutting off and restarting the ICE on a hybrid car, one answer is paralleling supercaps with the lead-acid starting battery. Even for a regular automobile, supercaps extend battery life by relieving some of the high current stress on starting. "Deep-cycle" batteries have thicker, stronger plates than starting batteries, but alone can't supply the high current needed to start the car.

Maxwell makes supercap clusters to replace one lead acid battery in trucks with that idea in mind. Way too expensive for a family car, but in this forum guys are talking about rigs that sit in -40C weather, and with the Maxwell ESM their trucks start right up.  http://solutions.letstruck.com/Answers/View/1791/Has+anyone+tried+the+Maxwell+Ultracapacitor

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Jackco-RZ300-Batteryless-Jump-Starter-by-Rezervo-/152348871942 is a handheld version that could be mounted permanently.


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