Author Topic: rant 1  (Read 1925 times)

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Amy Lewis

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rant 1
« on: October 29, 2006, 02:47:41 AM »
 I found out on the web that there is software available with which you can model motors, electric motors, and magnetic motors in simulations showing the moving magnetic flux during simulations, and it would be really great to have this, but alas, it costs $34,000 just to get the startup package, and to really do it justice you need a machine with up to 8 processors.

   Well, that's not happening here any time soon.

   If one becomes interested in Free Energy the topic will quickly prove to be quite endless with respect to the amount of information available. In just one area, that of magnetic motors, there are a multitude of inventors who claim to have achieved more power out than the power that goes in to run it. This is called Over-Unity.

   Some claim to have built devices as high as 700% efficient. Some of these guys are pretty darned convincing. You can watch videos about them on the web, and see their devices running. Some of them vanish suddenly, or turn up dead. Others engage in what proves to be an endless struggle to patent their inventions, and have endless roadblocks thrown up in their way by the establishment.

   For any inventor who actually does come up with an over-untiy device there is the bottom line in America that any such invention becomes the de-facto property of the government, and some who have come up with such things have been told that if they turn them on the government will confiscate them under national security provisions.

   And of course, to no one's surprise I'm sure, there are con-men out there claiming to have over-unity devices, and milking it for all they can and muddying the waters considerably for honest inventors.

   So if one looks into this to any degree at all one encounters a huge helping of controversy, disinformation, claims, and counter claims, along with well documented suppression of all such inventions. If you actually make it as far as the Patent Office, you will be told you cannot have a patent because your machine cannot possibly work. Demonstrating that it does might get them to admit that, but you will still be denied a patent, for an increasing variety of increasingly vague reasons.

   You will not be allowed a patent in the U.S.

   Now just consider all this in the context of our government's stated support of alternative energy research. It would really seem that that support does not extend to anything beyond solar, wind, and hydrogen that you buy from a huge company. You can't be making your own unless you want a couple thugs visiting you and threatening your life.

   I should think that by this point most will realize, or at least suspect, the government is lying through it's teeth about supporting new energy technologies. The government bureaucracy is set up to make good and sure nothing really new ever makes it to market.

   This is true even if every inventor of every over-unity device is a complete fraud, and I am quite convinced that they are not. At least not all of them.

   When it comes to a new form of energy or a new means of tapping it is concerned your country has you set up to lose big on it with insurmountable institutionalized obstacles and cynical manipulations of our laws, most of which, if properly unraveled will prove to be totally unConstitutional.

   It therefore falls to the private citizen of the necessary abilities to pursue any new energy technology privately, but more to the point, as secretly as possible. The worst thing you can do if you come up with something that works is to try and patent it.

   If you come up with an over-unity motor of any kind, the best thing to do is make it yourself and keep it to yourself. You could make units for sale, build them, sell them, install them, for people you know, and the technology could spread that way, at least until the thugs caught up with you, and they seem to be pretty good at that.

   Suppression of any new energy technology cannot be allowed to win out unless we want to enslave future generations to big oil, big government, and big money. If enough of us get involved in this it will be quite unstoppable.

   Eventually it's going to happen, energy will be decentralized and virtually free. Most homes will have their own power units and no utility bills, or fuel bills. The only real obstacle is the resistance to that of the powerful and wealthy.

   It's been said that for one man to be totally free another must be a total slave. We are slaves now. We DO NOT have to remain slaves.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 02:47:41 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: rant 1
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 10:31:28 PM »
I don't usually comment much to ignorance, but I'll make an exception for you.

If you come up with an over-unity motor of any kind, the best thing to do is make it yourself and keep it to yourself.

Suppression of any new energy technology cannot be allowed to win out unless we want to enslave future generations to big oil, big government, and big money. *

You just contradicted yourself.

*If you actually make it as far as the Patent Office, you will be told you cannot have a patent because your machine cannot possibly work. Demonstrating that it does might get them to admit that, but you will still be denied a patent, for an increasing variety of increasingly vague reasons.

   You will not be allowed a patent in the U.S.

If someone DID invent an over-unity device, they would not care if they could not get a patent on it.  They gain simply by using their invention.

A patent only allows you exclusive rights to market the product.  If you DO invent an over-unity device, you won't care if others are allowed to market it.  You will still knowmore about the device than anyone else - you will be the one folks come to for repairs, and things do wear out and break.

Besides, you already have a surplus of energy.  It doesn't really matter how big of a surplus one has, simply because all they really care about is meeting all their needs.  The surplus past what one needs is nice, but not important.

If someone DID invent an over-unity device, the BEST thing they could do is share the info to everyone.  Make it public domain.  Allow everyone unrestricted access to the info.

The government can't kill everyone with an over-unity device, when everyone has one.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 10:31:28 PM by Countryboy »


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Re: rant 1
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2006, 07:08:12 AM »
I can run the software for you on one of 3 of my severs.  Depending on the amount of bandwidth needed between you and me midnight be the problem (would only able to run between midnight and 4 am).  I only wish I could get fiber where I live...  
« Last Edit: October 29, 2006, 07:08:12 AM by nailed »