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Amy Lewis:
Doing more research today, and trying to figure out what I have around here to play around with this idea of producing hydrogen. So while I'm looking around at all the websites related to the subject I come across sites dedicated to anti-gravity.
                        I am very much opposed to anti-gravity! No kidding, I am! Some idiots out there are playing around with the very dangerous idea of turning off gravity, and I wish they would stop it! Think about this now, follow me here...
                       if you can turn something off you can charge money for it!
                        Don't pay your electric bill and see what I mean. Well, what if you don't pay your gravity bill? Oh I can just see it now, people along the streets holding onto parking meters, legs in the air, begging passers-by to pull them down and take them into a building.
                        You visit a friend's house, he's stuck to the ceiling because he didn't pay his gravity bill... At a party you hear of the sad end of a friend who's gravity was cut off while he was in the middle of a parking lot, and who sailed off into the air never to be seen again...
                        Hey! It could happen! Don't think it can't!
                 Okay, I'm done jerking your chain.
                    So, moving right along...
                    I've also been reading about the suppression of free energy devices. They include people who have figured out how to run their cars on water in various ways, developers of magnetic motors, even people finding ways  of greatly improving your gas mileage.
                    A lot of this crap is going on, guy who comes up with new energy idea is approached by a couple of nameless thugs, told to stop what he's doing, threatened, sometimes murdered like Stan Meyer was after developing a car that ran on water.
                The same thing happened with a guy in Australia, Joe, who found out how to make a little stainless steel device that would run a car indefinitely. He talks to no one on the phone, and there are about five people who can talk to him directly.
               (for those interested google "Joe's cell".)
                    So, if I come up with something that works, it stays with me, and I don't publish a bit of it or talk to anyone about it. I don't need the trouble and it's enough for me if it works and I don't have to pay a utility bill or pay for fuel for my truck.
                    This is because I've never been out to get rich, I just want the financial pressure off of me. That would make me happy. To be self-sufficient to the degree that I don't have to worry about power and fuel would be a tremendous gain, and I know better than get greedy about it.
                    I can't believe how so many otherwise intelligent people get into this, and then bravely (stupidly) PUBLISH IT! Good God! You know damn well that's going to bring a $#|+-storm down on them, and it does, every time.
                    I suppose in a sense they are courageously trying to save the world, usher in a new age, set us free... but the result is that they end up martyrs for it. I guess down the road when the world has been changed forever by free energy they will be remembered, movies will be made about them, they will be heroes, and still dead.
                    Well for my part, I want free energy, but I'm not willing to die for it, okay? If I'm dead it does me no good. So if I get to the point with this that I can run my home and my truck on it, you won't be hearing about it here, or anywhere.

amy, pepa here, this site has been very good to me because other people share what they know. when you post something to the public it becomes public and there is no need to worry about someone trying to stop something that has already been done. your post seems a little extreme to me, because i am one of the people that stupidly publish what i come up with. pepa

There have always been people out there that want to believe in miricals and there have always been other folks telling them what they want to hear.
Perpetual motion scams and con artists claiming to have developed free energy systems go back almost a thousand years.  Tell folks something wonderful and some will believe it.  I think they are all frauds - 100% of them.  There will always be conspiracy theories around these things - thats the only way these scams work.
Normally any discussion of 'free energy' or perpetual motion is banned on this board (we're owned and operated by big oil) on this board.  The purpose of this board is about workable stuff.  But since you put this in 'diaries' (where we tend to be slightly more tolerant) we'll let this slide for a bit and see what happens.

There is a REALLY big ball of hydrogen floating around in the sky.  No one claims ownership of this big ball of flaming hydrogen.  Feel FREE to go remove whatever amount of hydrogen you want.  That hydrogen is FREE for the taking.
Gravity IS an energy source.  That energy is FREE for the taking.
Heck, there is a LOT of money to be made by harnessing gravitational energy.  Feel ambitious?  Build a steel ring around the equator - all the way around the world.  The ring will float in air, since gravity is pulling on it at all points.  That ring will also free spin at roughly 1000 miles an hour - the rate of Earth rotation.  Attach magnets to the side of the ring.  Have coils fixed to the ground.  As the ring spins by the coils, it will generate electricity.
As an added bonus, the load placed on the ring by many coils will slow the ring.  Slow it down fast enough, and you can more easily jump on or off the ring, allowing the ring to transport people or goods to any location around the equator.  FREE shipping and transportation.
For practical FREE energy, I recommend you stick a seed in the ground.  It will harvest the FREE energy from the sun.  Eat all the seeds the plant produced, except for one seed you save for replanting next year.  Personally, I think that is about as close to 'free' energy as you are going to get.
There is a lot of 'free' energy out there.  Harnessing that 'free' energy is the expensive proposition.

(we're owned and operated by big oil)


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