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PLEASE HELP...Eddy Current/Friction Heater


Hello everybody. First let me say that I am glad to have found this site. My wife, my daughter, and I are going to be moving to the remote nothingness of southwestern Texas next year, and I am going to be utilizing many things from this site for our extreme off-grid living.
I found some posts and info about friction heaters and rotating magnetic heaters on this and a few other sites. I am building a toy car for my daughter right now. It is going to a 1/3 replica of my car, and it will have the option of being fully enclosed like a real car. I got to thinking that it'd be nice, here in Michigan, for her to be able to ride in it outside in the winter. Going on the idea that spinning things create friction, and friction is hot, I was wondering if there were any such things as friction heaters. I googled it, and found the coffee can thing, further searching brought me to this site and the magnetic heater alternative. This seems like it would be perfect for my situation. I just would like to get as DETAILED of an explanation that I can before I start to make sure.
I've read the basics of how to do it. And I'm actually quite a quick learner usually, but I just want to make absoulte sure, especially with the off off chance that the whole thing might catch fire, and that would definitely be bad. I'm thinking that I can just mount magnets on one of the wheels, put an aluminum plate near the magnets and some sort of ducting to get the hot air into the interior of the car. So, could someone, anyone, please provide AS DETAILED of an explanation on just how exactly to go about doing this (IF IT IS EVEN FEASIBLE) and how safe it will be, and any ideas on how to moderate the temperature or turn it off.
The interior space of the car will be less than 10 cubic feet, so not much heat will be required. Things like how thick the aluminum/copper plate should be, how many and how strong of magnets to use, how large should the spacing be between the magnets and the plate, will it overheat, will it even work, will it be safe, how to orient the magnets, how to move the heat into the car, and how much energy will it take from me pushing the car at about 5 mph (with my unicycle lol) with the wheels rotating at about 140rpms (I think, 12" diameter wheels).
I can't express how GREATLY I appreciate any and all help that anybody can give me. And for your help, I'll give you a picture of me riding my unicycle pushing my daughter in her mini Suzuki Samurai. :)
Thank you all so much,



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