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I am making coils for the 17ft [old style] machine. My question is this. The correct coil should weigh 1.5 lbs. ea. my coil weighs only 1.25 lbs. ea should I make the center island smaller?? Coil seems to fit stator patern ok, seems if I smallen the island that would put less copper on the coil.
This is # 15 wire in two strands. I am winding this coil on a lathe so ma by I am winding tighter than by hand. If I continue with this trend I would only have about 13 lbs. of wire on this machine.
Great to hear from everyone all over the world. Keep up the good work

If I'm not mistaken, this is a "double-post" because you just asked the same question on another section.
People should reply to the other posting which has already received a comment.
Another point of etiquette: using UPPERCASE doesn't look very nice and is equivalent to shouting.


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