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Rcpilot had an accident

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This is his wife and he wants all to keep him in prayers. He won't be able to do anything very soon. Lots of damage to ligaments, muscle and nerves. Surgery was performed and it will be long time before he is able to use right arm as he has normally. While operating a bucket truck the up lever was hung on branch and his right arm crushed between bucket and branch. Thank you.

Oh my!  That's a bad deal all around. Tell him to hang in there, and we will keep him in thoughts and prayers.
The biggest thing is to just focus on getting better, any exercises or therapy doctors can recommend is crucial.  It's horrible that anyone has to go through these things, but we expect to see him back around when he's able.

Hi Mrs. Kelly,

Sorry to hear that. I hope the recovery goes well.


Volvo farmer:
Oooh what a shame.  I have a feeling he will have a speedy recovery, due to the nature of his posts here. I enjoyed his sharing of his electric system and trials and tribulations. I also look forward to hearing from him here again soon!

Sad to hear; We'll pray he has a speedy recovery.


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