Author Topic: The Bigger Picture  (Read 1789 times)

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The Bigger Picture
« on: April 27, 2006, 04:51:05 AM »
It seems that from the time DC voltage was created intill AC came along and went main stream was short this cut DC research short.

 Now in many home brew ideas we are all looking at DC. from wind generators to solar cells. Why is this? because it's simple. We are all looking to adapt or convert to AC for the consumer products.

Lets look at the Bigger picture now.

 Will start with a Thunder storm. But before we get to far ahead of ourselfs. lets look at pem cells no moveing parts. hydrogen , oygen, water, and electricity. are the products. ok now lets compare to a thunder storm it has Hydrogen , oxygen, water (rain ), and electricity (lightening ).

 Humm its no secret the earth has magnetic fields, And the earths surface has electricity that can be harvested from a long wire.

 Is it all evaporation  or is some electrolosis when the water level drops in a water puddle <-(example) as it dry's ?

 Sure a rain storm is evaporation, However a thunder storm is a hydrogen oxygen storm produceing electricity (Lightening) as it's by product.

 Can the pem cell be omited ?

 Can we make electricity in thin air? (perhaps if we reproduce the atmospheric conditions we can and create rain as well) however without the hydrogen and oxygen levels we'd be wasting our time.

Imagine a green house where you create the rain and lightening to produce the electricity for your house and well. Hydrogen bye product to power your car.

We would all be free of Gov. regulation and garenteed a good crop every year.

 This is what I'd call steping up the game for the small home brew crew. It is possible and you read it here first.

 this is just part of my research.

          Thanks for takeing the time to read.

And please if you repeat any of this in any form you must associate my name.

                   Wayne Roark.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 04:51:05 AM by (unknown) »

Phil Timmons

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Re: The Bigger Picture
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 12:20:09 AM »
hmmm, dunno that a greenhouse per se, would produce lightning?  But like I say, dunno.  My impression is that the static charge build-up is required across a L-O-N-G distance through the air (insulator) until it builds enough to discharge?

It is not so much a product of greenhouse features?  Or maybe I am misunderstanding you and you mean a metaphorical greenhouse device that builds and grows a static charge to be harvested?

We sort of had a tongue-in-cheek discussion about directly harvesting lightning on this site a while back . . .

but either way,

if you repeat any of this in any form PLEASE DO NOT associate my name. :) :)

(just joking around with you, Wayne. ;))

« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 12:20:09 AM by Phil Timmons »


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Re: The Bigger Picture
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 11:38:25 AM »
Why create lightning?  It is just as easy (and probably easier) to discharge the electrical imbalance that results in lightning BEFORE the lightning discharge takes place.

Not to say that this is easy.  But, all lightning is is the discharge that takes place after an unbalance of electric charge overcomes the dialectric effect of an intervening mass of atmosphere.

To illustrate my point, take a look at these pages:

Here, you can see that the experimenter is taking static buildup from the surface of a TV screen, and using a controlled discharge (as opposed to the instantaneous discharge you'd get if you just stuck your hand on the screen) to do actual work.

You could do the same this by building this Van der Graff generator (, sticking a coil of wire within 6 inches of it, and using it to light some LEDs.

Some people are trying to fly longwires on balloons to charge up a capacitor bank.  The theory behind this (which I have to agree somewhat) is that the local area will actually suffer LESS lightning because the imbalance will be discharged through the longwire, and not build up so much as to overcome the atmospheric dielectric.  The LAST thing I want is my capacitor bank to be struck by lightning -- that's why I do my experiments in this field during the winter instead of during thunderstorm season.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2006, 11:38:25 AM by asheets »


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Re: The Bigger Picture
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2006, 02:24:23 PM »
Nic Tesla released us from DC with his mastery of AC. He produced the first American patent for gathering energy from the air as well...and much, much more. Currently the HAARP system can theoreticly change weather patterns anywhere on the globe from one location (Alaska). This technology is an extension of Tesla's work! A book called Angels don't play these haarp strings  makes many good arguments against tampering with things in the upper atmosphere or VA belt. Many fear that HAARP is being used for more than simply radar as it has the ability to heat up small areas of the atmosphere which effects the earth local below. I'm not sure we want people trying to repair the ozone layer with such a 'big stick' when we know so little. In the end Tesla gave up his work on certain destructive machines and simply promoted free energy from nature. He has a wicked patent for a turbine that uses disks.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 02:24:23 PM by pickerol »


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