To My Fellow Earthlings:
I am putting it this way as I, request not to be grouped into the American stereotype put forth by RogerAS.
I am a second generation American with proud lineages from both sides of my parents.
I am also a very well traveled American so I can talk to most posters here about the different areas of our world, except AU & NZ, just haven't had the chance to make it there, but I do make it a habit to speak with some lovely sounding nurses in Christchurch and Perth on a weekly basis.
Roger; When I first answered your email I did it in a manner that I had hoped would continue to be on an intelligent manner.
It has not happened, that has gotten even worse than over in the rants area.
Yes, I did read this entire post before I put this in this part of the comments as this is the one real itme I couldn't let go of.And I am aware that you've possibly signed off posting here. to that end I say GOOD. and bye-bye.
Bickering back and forth over someone ele's right to use whatever name they chose to use is indeed a waste of time. With that I'll also say your welcome, 'cause I know you're saying thank you to those who chose to fight for our very right to choose; right....
Remember Roger you brought the politics into this not anyone else.
It is true as an American I am up for the fight , but I perfer to listen and talk first. I've tried the other way, only now I'm smart enough to know there's more important things to fight for. Whining because we choose to use handles or partial names IS stupid. It is our right, it's like called freedom...dude
Attacking the way some read/write/speak is also stupid, how many languages can you do? and not look like a fool....
To the rest of the Earthlings... how's the weather,quel temps fait-il,wie das Wetter ist,come è il tempo,hoe het weer is, and A?
Bruce S