Author Topic: NM Bear Terror (image heavy as usual)  (Read 3566 times)

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NM Bear Terror (image heavy as usual)
« on: August 04, 2011, 06:58:24 PM »
Brian's Morning Newsletter
Thursday,August 04 2011

I woke last night to the sound of breaking glass. I went into the trailer to see what the cat or dog was getting into. Rubbing my eyes in disbelief,the northwest window screen was torn. I dug around for a flashlight,locating only a crappy little flashlight with a weak lamp I investigated as best I could. The cantilever style window which had been partially open,was in shambles. None of the outdoor security lights came on,figures,right,useless,lights.  I woke Nell who had somehow slept through the ruckus,"Nell,I think a bear is trying to break in."

Scared the crap out of us to be certain. We felt helpless,although believe me when I say I would shoot the bear if I had half a chance. The problem is it is 3:00AM and can't see $#|+ let alone a black bear in a completely black night,not to mention I'm in my underwear,not feeling terribly macho,if you know what I mean? I made sure the 12 gauge shotgun was loaded,turned on all the lights in the house. We closed the doors,thank goodness we never removed those doors as I again recently considered removing the kitchen door.

Nell and I snuggled in bed with the puppy and two cats muttering about whether we might be able to fall asleep after that scare. Every little sound made us jump,right that it did,we later learned. At four AM I heard another loud crash. That had us both up in a flash. Grabbing the shotgun I peered in the trailer door window. "Holy $#|+ baby,the bear is in the house."I probably needn't tell you how completely helpless we felt. Flashing through my mind as I watched the bear climb over the cabinet toward the coffee percolator,what the hell do I do? If I shoot the bear while he is in the house it'll surely go crazy,and probably tear right through the thin trailer house wall.

Another very real possibility is the bear might charge. I could use the SKS assault rifle which is also loaded and handy,but that weapon would surely level our trailer as it shoots devastatingly powerful fire power. Then as Nell said,"we'd have a dead bear in a war zone trailer setting."No good option seemed to come to mind in the moments as we stood staring in panic as the bear ransacked our kitchen. "Maybe he'll go back out the window from which he came in,"I said meekly. He had now circled back around and walked right over this keyboard heading for the big window I call my "Morning Newsletter Picture Window."

BMN-Picture-window-Bear-paw-marks –These marks are on the outside. He was a small bear,perhaps two hundred pounds. He had got up on Buddy's new dog house lean-to roof.

BMN-Keyboard-Bear-tracks –Why? I said to Nell at some point last night,I guess you could say life with Brian is INTERESTING.

Bear-ransacked-Kitchen –Little fv(ker stepped on our coffee percolator. Now that is just plain mean. Oh he didn't break it though,gotta give him that one. I'll be certain to utter a prayer for the bear when I get him in the sights of the 7.62MM SKS semi-automatic rifle.

Bear-rampage-2011 _ Speaking of rude. I meant to take the trash to the refuse relay station,but I was in a rush yesterday morning with whatever emergency I had going. 
Christ Almighty, "Will we be getting any sort of a break,any time soon,or should we expect to be shat upon until the end of time?"

A-Bear-came-in-through-our-window –I hope this never happens to anyone else. I will report this to NM Game and Fish,but I WILL Deal with this Bear right now,this is a very dangerous situation.

A-Bear-came-in-through-our-window Looks like a gash in the aluminum below the window. We're still in shock.

Bear-ransacked-yard2011 Perfect line of trash spread across our yard. ,making work for me. He doesn't seem to mind that I have better things to do than hunt his sorry ass down and clean up this mess.
Well I better get after it,literally

Brian , I can understand the terror, was treed by a moma black bear in Mich back in '72, BUT PLEASE keep the swearing to a low rumble. We have young folks coming here to read too.
Thanks for understanding.
Bruce S

« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 08:44:23 AM by Bruce S »
Brian Rodgers
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