My personal, real world observations lead me to believe that solar is by far the lowest maintenance. Install it and forget it. It is also the most expensive and least DIY capable [electricity production].
The wind is by far the more maintenance hungry option. It is also the most DIY capable. Cheaper per rated watt, too.
The ideal system should incorporate both. We are looking into doubling our solar from 300 to around 600 watts. Just need to hunt advice on what products to buy today to play well with our SP75 Siemans panels. I recently more than quadrupled my wind sources by adding a 10 foot turbine to the 6.5 foot conversions input. Total cost of that is unknown but the gift turbine and salvaged tower parts only left some welding work, hole digging and a dozen sacks of Quickrete. Probably 1/10 of the cost of doubling my solar for 4X as much rated output.
Every home should use a solar or ambient air water pre heater. Ditto solar heating if nothing more than lots of sun facing glass. Those likely have a much shorter payback period.
What you have is the commonest connundrum of RE, "Which is the best route for me?"
Good luck with it.
Basically just do it. Thats actually the easy part compared to decided on a course of action.
Good luck unraveling it.