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2008 summer progress.

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Margus, I have read if you don't have enough magnets for two magnet rotors, it is still good to have the second spinning steel rotor as a magnetic flux path. Keep up the good work!

Yesterday, after 6 Years of service, it happened in strong wind.
Not even storm.
It can be new tail, too heawy ,caused it.
5 bolts broken and coils damaged.
Exatly same happened to My another home-made windgenny.
Too thin bolts used.



I also took ten microwaves apart and made a six coil and dual 8 magnet rotors.  I then built a hugh piggott eight foot turbine and was buying magnets so bought some for the microwave turbine also.  I never did get it right I believe mostly due to the sealed wheel bearing being a bit stiff and I found no way to get some of the grease out.  I also made flat steel rotors as I found the steel car disc added some real lenght to the turbine and made my stator mount bolts too long, which is what looks to be what failed on yours.

I needed the tower for a 48 volt turbine and so now it is sitting on my garage floor.  If I ever build a bigger turbine I am going to salvage the magnets.  The most I ever saw out of mine was a couple hundred watts that never lasted that long due to bearing and being in a pretty seltered spot.  I actually had no issues with using the wire.  I just unwound it then rewound it and ended up with no shorts.  like you there were some bumps in the wire coating so my coils weren't quite as pretty as bought wire but worked just as well.  I did go through a couple of cutting wheels while salvaging it.

6 years and some learning sounds pretty good.  I threw out all the aluminum coils from the microwaves that had them but still go enough out of ten microwaves to wind six coils.  I just mention the aluminum incase some one else trys it so they know all microwaves don't always have copper.  I do know also that winding for ferrit magnets and then adding neo doesn't work that well unless the neos are planed for.  With neos you need less copper.  Mine never worked that well with the neos although I was getting close by rectifieing each coil seperatly. 
Thanks for the update and sorry you didn't get more then six years.

i hope you will rebuild your machine Margusten

Sorry to see the damage.  Building a replacement can be as fun as building the first - you can challenge yourself to do it better!

The stator undergoes a considerable amount of torque when running at high load.  Long all-thread bolts are not ideal for this.


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