Author Topic: Wacky Ancient-type ritual seeder and energy storage.  (Read 1315 times)

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Wacky Ancient-type ritual seeder and energy storage.
« on: November 20, 2008, 12:50:02 AM »
Can be found posted herein:

They are posted there, and not here in Forcefield, as they seem to be more of a novelties than effective and essential things. Perhaps someone here might find something useful in them, a part or principle that might be applied in somewhere.

Also it is fun (at least to me) to speculate whether these objects really were previously used like this, and what kind of logistic and society-structural implications of those cultures would such uses have caused and maintained.

The first one is my interpretation of the possible usage of ancient Egyptian Djed pillar. I have seen some other interpretations and speculations that either have seemed impractical, have looked nothing like the Pictoglyph depictions. (I mean by "pictoglyph" the Royal Hieroglyph style, as it seems to be quite diagram-like and pictorial, thus possibly easiest and most catchnig to approach). Some other interpretations have also been rather wild, promising great energies, cosmic communications, and untestable mysterious knowledges. I think it may well have been this type of thing that I depict, as this seems practically working, as well as quite easily and cheaply testable by any tinkerer with few extra pieces of wood. (I would not try to test full scale human sized version, as that could end up in calamitous and possibly harmfull blooper... but small scale model should be easy enough to handle and operate.) Why, some tinkerer could even make YouTube fame for themselves by building, and filming it in operation.

The second one is a rather utilitarian use for the Ankh -object, to enable energy storage with ordinary bows (and non ordinary bows too... but I find the multi use ideas more practically luring). Seems that this too should work ok. It should be able to storage a modicum of energy kinetically, with no energy whatever lost on bearings and such. Much simpler method of storage and output as rotation. What could have been the practical applications of such ? Um... well... I don't know... could have been at potter's wheel, small drills, or filing apparatuses, or air fans... but I am not sure that those tasks would not be more precise and effective without the interference from such contraptions. Perhaps bigger bow and Ankh structures could have been used in loading and unloading cargo ships, and hauling some construction materials at construction sites ? Water Lifts for irrigation ?

I speculate if Ankh was thus used, even for just purely abstractly ritual displays (which would not fit my theoretical models of Ancient Egyptian civilization's more lucid locales and periods... Multi purpose rites and items seem more likely as more purposeful and functional to me...), to wind mechanical apparatuses like we wind mechanical clocks, then perhaps the Egyptian God archetypes are displayed handling these Ankhs in seemingly mystical conditions as a sign that these represented powers might have on living beings like humans: that Gods were considered to have the ability wind and re-wind the lifepower of humans (and all living things ?), just like humans could then have had the ability to wind and re-wind a mechanical contraption to "life" ?

This all seems to be pure speculation , but the devices seem working and peculiar. Hopefully they inspire someone to something useful.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2008, 12:50:02 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Wacky Ancient-type ritual seeder and energy st
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2008, 06:27:04 PM »
Sorry, the links were rather uncertain in working, and in somewhat shabby condition.

Here are smaller versions of the original mechanical concept sketch images.

The Seeder thing:

Energy Storage thing:

I hope they are visible and reasonably decipherable now.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 06:27:04 PM by MaxT »


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Re: Wacky Ancient-type ritual seeder and energy st
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2008, 06:30:57 PM »
Still some trouble to get these visible... right clicking on images, selecting "view image" and then Zooming in with left click shows them reasonably as intended.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 06:30:57 PM by MaxT »


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Wacky Ancient-type ritual seeder and energy stor
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2008, 08:55:28 PM »
hehe, "May cause dangerous epileptic fits... Which may then cause strong religious convictions."

This made me laugh.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2008, 08:55:28 PM by taget »


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Re: Wacky Ancient-type ritual seeder and energy st
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2008, 01:27:53 PM »
Excellent !

I am not too deadly serious about these, as these really do not seem to be very vital solutions to any current problems that need solutions. But I think they are kind of funky anyways :)

« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 01:27:53 PM by MaxT »