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4kw motor Conversion

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I have a 2 HP 3 phase motor I plan to do. I was hoping to learn some thing.
Guess I will have to look up Zubbly's files.

Hi Ruddy,....I don't understand what the problem is???

I was really looking forward to seeing this project through to the end.

I hope you were just having a bad day and will continue to post your progress.

maybe the lack of replies...if thats the problem...is people are just waiting in anticipation....after all, it is stretched out over two years...
looking forward (hopefully) to more postes........artv

** Moderator note: this comment quoted removed text and added nothing to the thread.

dave ames:


Anzac emotions and VB devotions?

how bout a dust off and redo, i'm interested   :)

Your Shout :P

cheers, dave

I too have been keeping an eye on this project,  didn't post anything cause I had very little/nothing to offer..

I guess ruddy must have found a "happier" place to hang his hat?



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