Remote Living > Heating

Hydrogen Fuel Cell - could it be used for heating?


I've been reading about hydrogen fuel cells, which basically take water and split the oxygen from the hydrogen.  The hydrogen, when mixed with oxygen, is obviously flamable.  Is this how they are deriving their power from it then?  I was thinking, couldnt this same idea be used for heating homes, much like a furnace?  One page even mentioned they had created a torch using this hydrogen.....
But next question, once you've taken H20, and made it into hydrogen and oxygen, then you burn it, is it technically gone forever or what?

Fuel cells combine FREE HYDROGEN and oxygen to make water with electricity as a by-product.
Splitting water to make free hydrogen requires energy INPUT.

From what I understood, what I was reading was they were taking just plain water, with electrodes in it, applying electricity and getting pure oxygen and hydrogen gases from it.  Maybe this is different though.  But solar energy would be the answer for free energy input.

I think I broke it.


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