Remote Living > Heating

What is cured copper?


For two winters I've used a solar air heater which works great when the sun is shining.  But I'd sure like to be able to store heat for when the sun isn't shining.
I recently read an ad in our local newspaper of a heater that claims to heat for 50% less.  Inside the heater, it uses infrared lamps to heat coils of 'cured copper'.  Then air is blown over the cured copper coils.
Here's the heater, although the newspaper ad explains it a lot more than this website page does:  LINK
I'm just curious as to what cured copper really is.  Is it any different than the copper pipes we buy at a hardware store?  The ad says cured copper is a type of copper that goes through an extensive heating process to give it special properties (whatever that means).


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