So what are we looking at here for a simple and fast setup?
Coil plastic pipe in microwave oven and press the popcorn button to run a preset time for hot water to fill a bathtub??
I have a few junk microwaves I could probably try this with, but I never really considered them that fast for heating coffee so never gave something like hot water heating any thought. Of course I have a larger than normal sized coffee cup.
I would like an "ON DemAND" type water heater as a supplement to the solar I'll be adding too. I had a really good micro wave that has a bent case, it was dropped, but worked great untill then. Maybe use it for parts?
What would we use to hold water in the micro wave though that is not effected by heat or the microwaves and does not interfere either.
Would somthing like tat be a better dump load for heating water (faster) than just an electric element?