Remote Living > Housing

Stackable blocks for low cost housing


I found a really interesting website a few weeks ago but I've lost the bookmark to it, it was about a new type of brick for housing, that simply stack on top of each other, and the site had a video of a group of children building a house (well, a small room) with a window in it, on their own, using these blocks. I've searched and searched on Google and not been able to find it (I've found a couple of other similar blocks but not the one I'm looking for). Does anybody know what it's called?

And this is the third time I've posted this, as the other two posts vanished. (Deleted? I have no way of knowing.)


What does this have to do with heat, light, or


   I've never lost a bookmark.( I wish)

 I put them on floppy disks.( I wish)

 and all backed up on CDs......(should have, I wish)

                  Have Fun!

                  ( :>) Norm.



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