Author Topic: I need a "lift" and your help  (Read 5197 times)

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Re: I need a "lift" and your help
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2005, 04:07:48 PM »

You did not measure the height of the water from the enter point to the exiting point.

Assuming just 18 inches is a bit difficult to tell you what to do.

With a RAM PUMP you could raise the water the 4 feet necessary for the "over the Hill" travel. A pipe along the bed going up to the stream as much as possible for the Ram Pump to operate --- good workable system because you are just raising water around 4 feet or 1.7 PSI -- a 1:4 ratio would be a good arrangement

Even if the stream is windy, unless it shows that the water does travel very slow, it would be good to have the head to add to the 18 inches of the straight area.

Four ways

  1. the Ram Pump [as above] or
  2. small turbine to raise about 20 % of the available water into the pond or
  3. a small water wheel, Poncelot type with containers filled at the bottom and about 4 feet diameter( high enough for the released water to pass the "hump" between the stream and the upper part of the pond area.
  4. your failed initial sling pump -- which looks the best with corrections = which means that you need to tie the front and the back via heavy swivels to maintain the center of the sling pump in the water center line. -- this last one was done about 6 years ago for small village to bring water to a tank about 5 meter height, though the water head was 3 or 4 feet and a larger water volume. The water way needs to be modified for the sling pump around it to optimize the water movement.

The Spiral pump, mentioned by somebody else, seems the best and easiest arrangement for you, since it is mounted and fixed and just a few pipe loop turns are needed for the 4 feet raising, you will, as well, need to pipe the water to the wheel to get the necessary pressure to move the wheel

What are you mechanical abilities ?.

Regards & let me know


« Last Edit: October 05, 2005, 04:07:48 PM by Nando »


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Re: I need a "lift" and your help
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2005, 07:46:34 PM »
Sorry I haven't had alot of time to be on the net for awhile, and it doesnt seem like I'm going to have alot of time in the near future, (taking care of disabled parent with MS, battening down the hatches getting ready for winter, and trying to get my business off the ground, but I'll try to get a picture drawn up for you, if you still would like one.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2005, 07:46:34 PM by MaxFlow »


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Re: I need a "lift" and your help
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2005, 07:24:53 PM »

Looking to your sketch, I see that there is a good possibility using a paddle wheel, type Poncelot with buckets to raise the water about 5 feet so you get enough slope for the water to pass the HUMP, all the way.

If you are interested in making the wheel, let me know to direct you, since you as well need to form the channel to obtain the best energy of wheel coupling to water energy and levels.

You will need to pipe the water to get the needed energy to drive the wheel with enough torque to raise the water 5 feet.

Also, you can use the spiral to raise the water attached to the wheel -- this would be the best arrangement, in this case about 4 to 4.5 feet radius will do the trick to have the exit pipe without any swivel valves.

So let me know and connect directly nando37-at-comcast-dot-net



« Last Edit: October 10, 2005, 07:24:53 PM by Nando »


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Re: I need a "lift" and your help
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2005, 08:55:45 PM »

This sounds interesting, but I don't understand how the "pump" works, can you draw a sketch?  It eliminates the need for a rotary fitting, which as you can read in my post to MaxFlow is my big hang up right now.  And I apologize for the "oversized" pics that I posted!  my mistake.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2005, 08:55:45 PM by Linda »


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Re: I need a "lift" and your help
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2005, 09:10:13 PM »
Sorry everyone!  I didn't expect these to be so BIG.  I went in and deleted these 2 pics from my uploaded file, but it still won't make these big things go away!  Does anyone know if this can be fixed?  I'm just not savvy enough.  From now on I'll just attach the link to my pictures.  Sorry again for messing up the format for this posting.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2005, 09:10:13 PM by Linda »


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Re: I need a "lift" and your help
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2005, 08:43:56 AM »
Awhile back I drew up a picture expanding on someone elses design, Although this works on the same principle as a spiral-archemedes pump, it might be easier for you to build this one,  over time it has lost some picture quality, because it was done on windows paint.

Anyways he had drawn it up with a crank handle, and I thought that it would be interresting to use a wheel on it, the way it works is the wheel is firmly secured into the stream bed or bank, at the point where the archemedes coil reaches the shaft of the wheel, it has a universal like a socketset one welded between them, so although both shafts are offset it should rotate without much friction.

I'm having some trouble with uploading picture again.

 Linda, if it doesn't show up,send me your email address to, and I'll try to get it to you that way.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 08:43:56 AM by MaxFlow »