Remote Living > Lighting

My 12vdc LED Lights

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I use it on say 7 strings at a time.... but use it not quite as Commanda wanted.
I wire up the strings for about the expected voltage with the usual dropping resistor you would use normally... but then use the commanda circuit in series with say 7 strings, and set if for the maximum current i would want them to see as a group. This way, if the voltage rises, then the load resistors don't see it.
That flounder light I mention below, has resistors to run it naturally at 18v for each string..... but if the bloke I built it for charges the battery up hard, it could see 22v.... which means to design it safely, I would have to derate the thing at 18v.... just to protect from high SOC conditions.
Using commandas circuit, I can limit the current to say 140ma per 7 strings (nominally 20ma per string), and overvoltage up to 40v or more makes no difference. By using the resistor value I would have used without the limiter, it allows load levelling between strings anyway.
So if you want to push them hard over a SOC type of range, it is very very good as the voltage can go all over the place, but the current stays the same for the bundle..... I embed them into the epoxy with the leds.... can't post a pic... dammit.

Jolly good Woof on the color coordination. Have you considered putting yellow and green into the mix for more wider spectrum balance also?
I've run these HF CF bulbs in a conversion van for 4 yrs. with 2 deep cycle marine and A 1000A cranking battery in parallel without the internal HF reg. The E never exceeds 14.5V even in the strongest sun on three panels.
These LED units would be ideal in motor homes instead of the CF in the shells.


--- Quote from: Tritium on December 28, 2009, 10:39:01 AM ---Damon,<p>
You have e-mail.<p>

--- End quote ---

Just to note, c/o of Thurmond, I've been over a decade with a night-light based on an LED that he sent me!

This was originally put together to help our daughter find her way to our toilet.  Soon she will be an adult old enough to leave home entirely...




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