Remote Living > Lighting

My 12vdc LED Lights

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Cool Woof.  They will probably last a very, very long time.   I wonder about the efficiency of the smaller LED's, I would guess that you get a bit more lumens per watt from the fluorescent overall, but the LED's are directional, so for the task light they should be pretty good, and they should age more gracefully.  Rich

Nice work Woof. I wondered about heat and efficiency. Some retail Cree's come with fans.
Heat equals wasted energy, something you can't afford off-grid.

Hay Woof

I had a HF ligt to go out and just for fun I took the bulb from a 120 volt cf light and replaced the bulb only. The 120 volt had 4 wires. Two at each end. I twisted them togather and mad two wires like the HF bulbs. It is at the camper and works great.

I whole heartedly agree Bryan, Commanda's circuit (2 resistors, 1 tranny and 1 fet), is exceptional in it's operation.
Thanks Commanda for your led classes

 I looked at Commanda's LED circuit, but it takes 4 components per string of LEDs. The largest light I built has 15 strings so the parts count would get fairly high and then it would not fit into the Harbor Freight light fixture.
Here is Commanda's "LED Master Class".


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