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Roger just bought a historic home in Ssssssunbury PA



After alot of family problems- I finally get thru the few months to obtain- the right parcel- as feeeng shui/southen expposure  is important.
I think I need some phone or real life help wwith this task. in short- we plan to put Sunbury PA on th map as a concert venue onn our riverfront.
I have Michael Jodanns Chicago Designer on board. I have feng shui master Llana onboard.

part 1.

I want to take the origanal glory and green belnd it with teck.
I waant this to be a landmark!  It has the capacity for this area.
Ill need alot of help.

i am the state of Pennsylvania. not the best for alt grants.

i wannted to do a wind turbine/solar hybrid on my place.  also- windows and isulation.
whjat do u think of the foil insulation???


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