Homebrewed Electricity > Site News

Unable to select SECTION from pulldown menu


When you try posting a message, and the "select a section" pull down menu does not work -- that means you've pulled up the board without putting "www." in front of the URL.
We tried to fix this bug and thought we had it licked -- but it still causes a problem. If you use the URL:
to log in, you should have no problems. If you do, please contact us.
I've been trying various browser combinations to check this bug, but I don't have any older browser versions available to try. The bug appears in Netscape, Mozilla, and IE, but in all my tests on those browsers, simply logging in again using the correct URL solves the problem. Some people have reported they have to clear their www.fieldlines.com cookie from their browser security preferences to make it all work again, but I have not been able to reproduce this from here.
Please let us know if this fix works for you, and we apologize for the hassles.


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