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Are posts on commercial wind and solar acceptable?

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Yep, everything you need is at

I could mention that this site isn't the only forum where RE projects can be discussed.  I won't go into a pitch for some other forum (that would be in bad taste), but if you were to look around you'd find other fora that might suit your needs.  Maybe you wanted to make a sales pitch for your CNC blades, or installation services.  Well there's a place you can go for that; it's just not here.
Narrowing the focus on this forum wouldn't hurt, but a "DIY only" policy would have a few side-effects that must be considered:
a) Lower Google search ranking

     Reducing the number of posts with recognizable, commercial, "searchable" names means that Fieldlines falls behind other sites that collect more keywords.  Bow to the almighty "G".
b) Disgruntled members

       It's a shame every time a member (whether they're new or not) get their postings zapped.  Right or wrong, the person is discouraged.  If they go away, then the eyeball count goes down.  See part a).
c) Community

       The information is usually what attacts people to the site.  Whatever sense of community you get out of it is one of the things that helps them stay.  Well, I'm speaking for myself, there.  At some point you have to acknowledge that the variety of members' interests will include just about everything else under the sun (even politics, where the sun doesn't shine).
d) Cute dog pictures

       If it's 100% DIY, then the pictures of the family dogs have to go.  Plainly unacceptable!
Evolution of the site in the past couple of years has been very positive.  All the time it's been a democratic process, so by listening and considering the feedback you will see the answer.
(PS Congrats, Tom, is this your first >50 character title?)

There are some things that are DIY and some that aren't. However there is a huge gray area. Most of us are using commercial charge controllers and inverters. We ask each other about these things and those appear to be OK. I feel it's important to discuss these things because understanding how to use them contributes greatly to getting a system up and running, and keeping it running.
While there are folks assembling their own PV panels, I don't know of any who are growing their own silicon crystals. Nor do I know of many building batteries from scratch. But we talk about these things too.
While I agree that this is and should remain a DIY forum, falling into dogmatic positions is rarely a positive move. I like seeing mentions of folks who sell DIY parts, plans and such but I don't want to see overt commercial advertising on the forum. I don't think it's all that fine a line and has been handled well so far. The google ads are OK with me as long as they are on topic (DIY Energy stuff) and relegated to a small space, as they are now.

Steven, et al,

I am considering the recent proposal to add a "commercial" tag line.

I get so many emails with "I tried 10 times. Is this the ghurd I am looking for?".

I am starting to think it would be a community service, for this community.

The majority of my kits go to non-posting people.  I consider them in this community even if they do not post.

Very Tough call for me.  I was 100% against that kind of thing.

Ghurd controller or Chi-Com blades...

"Look what I have!  It is the best!  You NEED One!  Buy One Today!"

Morally, I have a hard time with the entire concept of selling stuff on otherpower's site.
Disgruntled member's posts are not deleted, unless they got completely out of hand in that post.  At least I don't think they do.

I can find more than a few that should have been deleted. Then deleted 2 more times.
GOOD information will always attract people.
I don't understand the dog thing.  Who doesn't like dogs?


I agree with Chuck.  Big gray area there.

It seems to me that the RE-group governs Itself quite well. If someone sounds like they are too 'political' or are selling or 'promoting' something inappropriately, the members will 'detect it' and tell him so in different ways and opinions.  
Most of the time, EVERYTHING can't be DIY.

Many times it is good to hear many opinions on the pro's and con's and the limitations on many, many, "Commercial" RE-products. (Mills, batteries, controllers, panels, etc)
I think the discussion RE-group forum has went in the right direction and has improved and is VERY useful for all.
-Just my 'Hay penny'.  


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