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-Answers for Mister Nothing To Lose-

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Generally speaking, your ideas and mind on certain matters appear to be coinciding,
My ideas and mind often coincide as well - I have been wondering if they are somehow connected.

The gloves are off!
Hi, I am Harry I study a bit on English language and am kind of familiar with Old English ` New English ` American English ` Canadian English and Islands English etc. "Somehow sometimes" I just cannot help but to use some slangs of different nations. I am now presently learning a new language too--My own new language, it is an invented language. This is because I can't write, speak or understand any of the other languages so if I sound strange it's because I am the only one that can understand me?
You speak Chinese ? Ha ha, I know you are intimidated already, the only thing people generally like if you mentioned "Chinese", is, food ~ :-) "yes yes, I am a raciest" But I can teach you Chinese if you like, because I know EVERYTHING. "...... but stop please Harry ! !" Hee hee.
It is getting to my nerves when I feel that I am offending people to a great degree or causing problem between guys. Even when I do not know that I am doing it to others. I like to be rude, if you don't stop continue discussing on those questions not fit for the board, I will not call you "Friend" anymore -I am god of the board and tell what is to be discussed.. It's all your fault, You have to stop this self-pity thing now so life can go on better for you, I disagreed with you yes, but I don't want you to get upset over nothing, besides, I'm always right and your always wrong friend.
Some people argue for just the sake of arguments, they just like to argue, they have an interest in arguing, they take that for fun word-exercises. But they have no points in their speeches, no merit in what they say. In short, they know nill of what they are saying, they just enjoy "Having a speech-fight with someone". I have a cousin like this, he is arrogant and ignorant JUST LIKE ME. But then I am Harry, a god.
NOTICE : I will not be back to this section at least for now, so please do not post anymore, I won't be answering. Sorry but because the more I answer, the more both you and I are upsetting "Mister Harry". I am a child, I will not grow up. I always have the last word.
Take for example, "Harry's Law" is just a law, "noone" shall have to drink it if he or she does not want to. Sometimes I do find people to be very "erract" in their ideas.

Yes, I do use my own brainwave to come to conclusion, (we are in trouble).. I don't think it is fair that anyone ATTACKS another person's belief, simply because the attacker trusts a third person's idea to his bones 200% ????? I am allowed to do it, just not you.
you are the "Guilty one", ha ha, so someone had to remove his what from his where ? ? I have to laugh, the whole thing is just like a cartoon, and you all people already know that I love cartoons (we do?) . I am not angry at all. I am smart. It's all about me, me me and Harry is always right.
Attention getters, yep that's me. I am Harry the ultimate attention getter. I crave attention. As I have noticed, on this forum, it is obvious that some members are raising questions too obvious and simple that, anyone can tell, that, they are only trying to obtain attentions from others, JUST LIKE ME. But the attentions factor is what all in considerations, the more attentions collected from other members, the better I feel "Fulfilled" ! ! me, me and me again!
In regards to questions, I did not mean those who has a genuine "Dumb question", I meant those who intentionally raise them except for mine. Those were who I meant, too bad you people did not see my point, because your stupid, and I am not. You people just attack and bite. That is alright though, I can take it. I am a god. I am arrogant and self centered, but that's just me. You know, I am in a slime of some substances as is.
I see that people are very sensitive and harbour negative attitudes to these "Unnecessary questions" matters. To easy your minds, I could bring out the names, but this can be a downright bad matter to do on the board. But if I were talking in a true sense of one-to-one privately, like in emails, yes I would tell you the names. YES, I am a backstabber and someone that cannot be trusted.
Other persons will not and cannot wait to show off what they get, but that is not me, I certainly don't want attention here,  noooo way. The only way I want attention is only one way and one way only, other than that, I don't even want to attempt, I USUALLY RUN AWAY FROM ATTENTIONS IN REAL LIFE, MANY PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY CAN TELL YOU. (Because I am a backstabbing slime of some substances as is)
I got a reflex THIS MORNING when I got into this board this morning. So I would like to define what "Trouble Makers" are like me. "Trouble Makers" aren't the ones who disturbs or otherwise, the real ones are those who live by vanity, like me. You need to know how I live and who I am first, in order to say what you were saying.
What I really mean is in the case here, one can readily see a PATTERN, a continuous pattern of behaviors. MY continuous pattern of behaviors. Like I said it before, I have many natural attractions in the views of many, I usually run away from them, for half my life it has been this way, I don't need to attract attention in a board like this. just like to make things clear, clarity is important to fresh learners like all of you.
-Correct me if I am wrong-
My shameful little project is now officially public knowledge ...... SNIF SNIF ! !
Like the story ? Perhaps not finished yet, I might continue later.
Don't be such a knuckle-head, Ok men and girls

"Arf arf ..............."

was that you, or the dog ?

Hee hee, naughty me.
Have a jolly joyed day mate.
Harry Lub.

OMG...did I just wake up in the middle of a Monty Python film?

While this may be hypocritical...windstuff has the right idea.

Tis better to have ignored and lost than to have never ignored at all.

I have this gut feeling that harry has followed mister cool pants into the sunset. Not exactly positive on that but a gut feeling.


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