Author Topic: The new guy in town  (Read 256 times)

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The new guy in town
« on: June 02, 2005, 01:24:27 AM »
Hey I'm new and I thought I'd just say hey and a little about myself as I'm, to be honest, a sub-suburban person. To be honest I'm so suburban I'm in a village that's in the middle of no where.

In the next couple of years I'll be helping my dad with some building projects with everything from foundations to the electric and plumbing. There may also be a rural project in France where the remote living section may kick in big time. I'm only 17 but I've already got a love of tinkering, and experimenting and I'm trying to become a published author.

My last project was a Kelvin water dropper, which makes electricity from pure water. By itself it separates ions in the water and charges itself up and is best for producing high voltage, about 1000 volts up depending on size. They can be built in series and rack up some major charge that could be tapped if someone had enough time to play with them. Scared the heck out of my dog.

Thinking about a micro turbine to mount on top of a car. If you're constantly on the road as in north of England to south of France at 60mph it could produce enough power to run some things off. Just have to bolt it on to a bike rack or something to hold it fast.

Well this is me :) I go by Nik without the C. Oh and I can babble for hours.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2005, 01:24:27 AM by (unknown) »