Author Topic: Eminate Domain Laws  (Read 239 times)

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Eminate Domain Laws
« on: September 23, 2005, 07:28:39 PM »
Recently the Supreme Court ruled that one of the mainstays of the Constitution was now null and void, when they decided that America should adopt the communist manifesto as the new guidelines of our country , taking your land to give to others, without any say from the present owner of the land if it means that it would benefit the society more, my thought is, can this new law benefit those of us out here wanting to build hydro powerplants that don't have a creek to piss in ?, consider this, presently you can't put a hydro system on state, county, city, etc, waterways, but under this new classification of the constitution, we are intitled to use this land-waterway under eminate domain, if we somehow benefit the society, if we can show that our power generating plan would benefit the people, more than the river, etc... is doing by just flowing, we win, so if one decides that a stretch of a river would make a great site for a micro hydro operation, and there are powerlines in this area, you should by law be able to setup your operation to pump electricity to the power companies, and collect on the revenues, and if you have a homestead next to these waterways, you can use this power for your own consumption, since you will not be taxing the regular corporate power entities that continually say it's getting harder to supply the people with the energy they need without large increases in their portfolio, because energy is just so hard to produce these days. LOL

The only argument on their side is, you can't dam that creek, stream, river, etc, but they can't have an objection to undershot wheels, or floating systems that don't impede the flow, there are more but will leave that for you to consider.

With this said, this new unconstitutional law means that it can also benefit those who want a windy hill on county, state property to setup a few wind generators.

There are opportunities out there....,

Some local governments will fight harder than others trying to keep you from doing this, but if you want it hard enough, you need to get the community behind you, because you know the people of this country don't appreciate this new infringing law, and if you show that although their home and land can now be taken from them, without their say, but this same law protects the government, you can easily work magic in the next election.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2005, 07:28:39 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Eminate Domain Laws
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2005, 01:49:58 PM »
I forgot, vote in the poll to your right.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2005, 01:49:58 PM by MaxFlow »