Author Topic: Hello, friends  (Read 216 times)

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Hello, friends
« on: November 06, 2006, 05:14:50 AM »
Hello friends,

I just stumbled across a very interesting site.

My interest in RE started when a local municipality erected several large wind turbines.  I really thought it was cool!  I have since learned much...with even more yet to be learned.  One of the horrifying things I learned more about is Global Warming.  The idea of my neices and nephews not being able to enjoy the same earth that I enjoy, quite frankly scares the s*#t out of me!  This is a real problem that we must act upon!  Reading through these forums I realize that their is hope.  For whatever reason you got into producing your own power or living greener, you are making a difference!  I sincerely thank and applaud each and every one of you!  Although great strides have been taken, we need to do more!  I urge, no I beg, each and every one of you to go to the above website and join!  Get involved with spreading the word about Global Warming!  Remember, strength lies in numbers...and together we can make a difference!  THANK YOU!


« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 05:14:50 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Hello, friends
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2006, 12:22:09 AM »
Hello motoman465,

Sorry you believe that crap. Here is something to think about:

If 1/100th of what they say about global warming were true, we would have been dead a long time ago.

When we have a weather prediction system that can predict next month accurately let alone next decade, I may start believing something. Or, even a system that can go back in time, take the current data from the early part of the century and predict the current weather. Turn of last century data was very good, they were not idiots. Yet we do not have an accurate model that can do the above. So why would anybody believe anything the existing models predict? Are we idiots?

If we are in such dire straits, why are there still record temperatures unbroken from the 1800's?

If global warming were occurring the records would all be within the last decade, Few are.

The experts predicted the Kuwait oil fires were going to destabilize the weather. I don't think so, pink sun sets don't count. Of course any changes in the weather were blamed on them.

Philippines volcano dumped more pollution crap into the atmosphere in a couple weeks than man has dumped in our entire existence. Pink sun sets again. Weather effects, we are still here. This one event should be a wake up call to everybody that has bought into the global warming BS. Yet, more jump on the band wagon after it. Did man cause the volcano? Did the earth die?

How can Alaska have tropical plants in the permafrost?

Therefore warming is without a doubt a natural occurrence for our planet.

Just as freezing is a natural occurrence. The dating of the ice must be in error, the tropical plants in Alaska are not as old as the ice is claimed to be, therefore I conclude the information relating to the ice is in error and not to be believed.

I refer to the global warming issue as the arrogance of man.

When looking at the size of the planet, and the tiny tiny effects we have caused is nothing but arrogant to think it actually means anything.

Next we can talk about the butterfly effect.

Think about it, just opening your moth could cause devastation across the planet.

Yet the environmentalist keep taking about it. Not connecting their effect with what there talking about.

Anybody want to buy a bridge? Wait someone did. Darn can't use that any more.

I hope this was entertaining if nothing else, really hope it gave you something to think about.

My opinions are not representative of this board.

Have fun,


« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 12:22:09 AM by scottsAI »


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Re: Hello, friends
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 03:59:46 AM »
Thank you for your opinion!  Even if you do not believe in Global Warming, you have to believe in the higher fuel prices.  All the steps that you and I can do to combat this problem(or falicy, depends on your viewpoint)are steps we can do to lessen our dependency on oil.  In particular, foreign oil!  Even if Global Warming is a conspiracy...and nothing else.  What of the air pollution?  Just look at pics of LA, draped in a haze!  Basically, we all need to do something to clean up our planet, regardless of wether or not you buy into the Global Warming "crap".  Thanks for listening.


« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 03:59:46 AM by motoman465 »


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Re: Hello, friends
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 07:03:12 AM »

 When I first started visiting here, I made an silly assumption that everyone here was interested in renewables for the same reason...because RE is good for the earth and the right direction to head, given all of the problems that the earth and it's inhabitants are facing.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. Everybody here has their own reasons, whether it's necessity (boonie dwellers) or hobby (tinkerers), or just a good way to thumb your nose at "the man"(self sufficient or plain old cheapsters), or a real caring for what happens to the earth (tree hugging enviro-nuts). There's a thousand more catagories.

  In general, the scientific community (including NASA) has concluded that global warming is not theory, but fact, and it's effects are already starting to have consequence on the globe. Recently, even the US Federal Gov. has issued statements to the effect that global warming is real, and it's caused by man burning fossil fuels and releasing the greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Much of the world has signed onto the Kyoto Protocol to at least try to slow the warming effect, but many of the big industrialized nations wont'll hurt big business. So our leaders are comfortable sacrificing everything we have,know and love in favor of the likes of Exxon-Mobil and coal burning power plants. For the love of money.

 I believe global warming's happening. I also believe it that it's too late to fix it. If everybody on the earth today stopped burning fossil fuels, it would take thousands of years for the earth to heal itself from the insane amounts of carbon dioxide already piled in the atmosphere. Instead we continue to accelerate down this path of self destruction. It's our children and grand children that will really feel the effects of our collective arrogance. Helluva legacy, don't you think?

  I agree with you though; whatever a persons reasons for using renewables, they need to be thanked. So I second Todd's "thank you" to all here. And the earth, whether you want it to or not, Thanks you too.



« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 07:03:12 AM by disaray1 »