Author Topic: Exciting Newly Released Book on Energy Independence  (Read 242 times)

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Exciting Newly Released Book on Energy Independence
« on: October 19, 2008, 07:36:06 PM »
Topics covered in  this  book-

- Are we  depleting our oil reserves, and if so, at  what  rate?

- Who is  competing with us for the world's oil supply,  and just how

serious is this  competition?

- What is  the total  cost of oil to our  society?

- What does  the oil situation mean  for our nation  security?

- What are  the different uses for oil,  and how much does oil does each

one need?

- What is the   realistic potential for the different sources of



-  Wind

-  Solar

-  Biofuels

-   Hydrocarbon  synthesis

- Wave  energy

-  Ocean   currents

-  "The hydrogen  economy"

- What  electric cars  are on the market now, and what ones will be


in the near   future?

- What about  conservation?

- Will  the Cap and Trade  legislation that is pending in Congress


- Why don't we  just  increase domestic  production?

- What  about drilling in   ANWR

- Can the Pickens Plan  work?

- What would it  take to  replace oil?

« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 07:36:06 PM by (unknown) »