Hi Fred -
we need to fix a couple things there - a few of our catagories dont seem to be setup to goto the front page. (there is no conspiracy... just a matter of DanF working it over a bit)
Regarding last week - I should've explained things on the board, but to be honest... we had enough server problems last Friday night that the board was the least of my worries! Basicly there were very high winds and long power outages in Ft Collins and our servers crashed. When they came back we were missing about 5 days worth of Data (not just the board.... but 5 days worth of everything). Most of the important stuff was put back on by hand from backups that were made the day before, but it was difficult to put everything back. so most messages were restored - some little changes (like TomW's signature and some picture files and a few other things that nobody here would ever notice) did not get restored.
Regarding Voting - we will be trying that soon! Like many things in life... there are too many things on the list that Im planning to do tomorrow and some of them keep getting pushed back. Installing voting will be quite easy, but I feel like well want to have the time to pay close attention to it for a few days, there are lots of different ways we can set it all up and I suspect as soon as we do there will be lots of feedback from users... both good and bad. At this time were too busy with other projects to deal with that. very soon though ;-)