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bob g

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final thoughts
« on: April 05, 2004, 08:15:58 PM »
first of all let me appologize in advance to what i am about to type.....

i am sorry... :(

but that link has to be the biggest pile of crap i have ever read, well maybe not the biggest but it ranks right up there.  (insert free energy/overunity link)

what amazes me no end is at present we have at our disposal knowlege, parts and the time to build things that could not have been manufactured anywhere for any amount of money less than 50 years ago. We have at our disposal all manner of mechanical parts, ie. brgs, shafts, wires, neo magnets, etc etc, and we have technological wonders in surplus units, ie. inverters, ups units, alternators, switching power suppies, high power phase control and frequency control units etc. most of which are dirt cheap as surplus, and as i previously said, were not available to anyone at any price 50 years ago. So the question begs to be asked, Why would anyone want to waste alot of time working on "Unity' machines much less "over Unity machines"???

most especially in our time we have wonderful folks that make surplus neos and such available to us, along with this board, and i for one think it is a huge waste of time giving any of these over unity schemes the time of day.

perhaps it will one day be possible to get unity or over unity, but it is unlikely as heck that any of us will ever live to see it accomplished it any real and meaningful way. By meaningful i mean such that any useful work would be of use to anyone from such a machine.

what discourages me is that when you go to do a search such as on Google and you get a link to this fine board, you find posts that deal with such schemes mixed in with the real useful stuff that makes this board so special. To the beginner it serves to confuse, to the educated it serves no purpose but possibly turn away folks that could add alot to the discussion on practical application because of not wanting to be associated with what is in some cases "crack pot science"!!

Personally i would like to see this stuff relagated to the wierd science dept. or perhaps there should be an area known as "unity or overunity". If that be the case then i would also suggest that there be some sort of disclaimer or statement of purpose for that section.

not long ago i made a post reguarding "power factor correction" to which the idea was summarily dismissed by some, and i am sure not very well understood by others. At least the term "power factor correction" is a mature and accepted technology that at least has had practical application in industrial applications. I could also site at least a few references to its use in stand alone single phase applications, but for now i am convinced of its use and need in off grid applications. i could go on but i hope you see my point. We just don't seem to spend the time researching and applying the technologies that exist to our uses as we do on some of the "unity" or "over unity" discussions.

again i might add i am not trying to rain on anyones parade, just would like to see a little  more direction on the board. I push this issue only because i know there is better on this board. There is certainly enough experience and knowlege collectively on this board that in my opinion could be massaged into a far better product.

Am i going to go elsewhere, not likely, there doesn't seem to be anywhere better than this forum. Seems to me it would be far better to try to affect some change here if possible than to "take my ball and go elsewhere"

i truely hope that i have not offended anyone on this board, that has not been my intention.

bob g

« Last Edit: April 05, 2004, 08:15:58 PM by (unknown) »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2004, 09:07:39 PM »
Jeeezz Bob don't let a few odd posts from left field throw you, as you stated this board is chocked full of people and info that is valuable. Stay and contribute.

I remember the post you made, and can only say that though I am aware of the technology, I am insufficiently conversant with it to comment, and I suspect that the same applies to may others. I didn't read any of the posts, but I suspect that any negative comments were the result of a belief that this technology has only a limited application to RE systems ( which could be, I admit mistaken. So please stay and contribute.


« Last Edit: April 05, 2004, 09:07:39 PM by drdongle »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2004, 02:16:16 AM »

Let me ask you a simple question Bob... if overunity and free energy does not exist, what is it that is now presently making the universe run??

in other words Bob, all the planets, stars, moons and galaxies are in continues motion all the time and have been since the beginning of time and will continue to for the rest of it's existence. If nothing else it will eventually terminate it self in a couple billion or trillion years, it seems to me to be very obvious that it's as close to being a perfect running machine for as long as we will ever live or see, and is doing so without further energy input since it's initial conception. The machine runs for ever and ever and ever...

So, the simple anwser is...It's in the back of our heads and can't seem to get it out because it already exists and we can't help but try and replicate it, nature that is... You have to look at the big picture to see it.

Now you could say, well that's different, it's not the can't use the universe as an what's different about it? the universe works on time/space, matter and forces of nature. As do we..So what is science but to look at nature and make conclusions and run tests that are replicatable and conclude a law? , mans law and the law of nature. The laws we create based on what our 5 senses tell us and what our man made instruments tell us and what we think it should be.

Following your train of thought we should conclude that anything that does not meet your criteria or expectations or what you consider science should be banned material, removed from the net and forever be hidden from view. Science is science in all it's forms and flavors regardless if you believe in one science or another, it all comes down to the replication of mother nature and what our/mans science tells use about it.

At this time in our human evolution, man is just beggining to make sense of the fundemental forces of nature and what we can do with them. (we still do not have gravity). We as beings are still in an infancy stage of development in science. We are bearly scratching the surface on nano technology and moving some vary basic atoms around on a silicone or other substrate to make a simple mechanism. Who is to say what will happen in 100, 500 or even a thousand years, or what that technology will be like. More likly it will be based on material sciences to make energy.

Whatever the case, the overunity, wierd science dept and free energy and whatever you want to call it is basically man trying to figure out some of the basics and fundamentals of nature and science, who knows, we might just get lucky!!

« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 02:16:16 AM by iFred »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2004, 05:51:15 AM »
But Fred, if "If nothing else it will eventually terminate it self in a couple billion or trillion years" then it isn't going to run on "forever and ever" thats an end point. Granted its an end point thats pretty far out, but its a pretty BIG machine.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 05:51:15 AM by Curtludwig »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2004, 06:34:29 AM »
iFred, I happen to agree with you wholeheartedly with respect to the unknown and untapped forces in the universe.  I also have to agree with bob g that discussions thereof are of dubious value on this board.

You make very valid arguments for the advancement of science yielding fantastic breakthroughs in understanding and utility in the future.  However, I firmly believe that those advancements are the domain of physicists and the like, not a bunch of DIYers working on RE in their spare time (not to denegrate the DIYers, they're why I hang out here).  Further, I believe that the product of most upcoming technological advances (nanotech and similar) will always be beyond the ability of the DIYer to use in any form but a final product.  Take today's PV cells.  I can make one at home from plans on the web, but it will only achieve a small fraction of the conversion efficiency of a manufactured cell and will degrade from there.  

I hope I'm missing something and that energy used from the "vacuum" is as easy as some people think, but I'm doubtful.  It has been researched for decades now and, not being a great believer in global conspiracies, I don't think it could have been suppressed so successfully for all this time.


« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 06:34:29 AM by RatOmeter »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2004, 08:21:57 AM »
Anyway, back to the "Rants" department.

Here's one of mine, IN CONTEXT with the start of the thread.

History demonstrates quite readily that the simplest form of suppression is to marginalize and deride the people that do the "fringe" research. Investors will typically avoid anyone that's being ridiculed by their "peers", even if they have no REAL foundations in the research they're ridiculing.

Case in point, how many have even taken the time to really study asymmetrical regauging systems or built any test models?

I guess it's easier to join in the derisive commentary from the "knee jerk response" engineering crowd, even though most of them won't spend two seconds to see what's really going on.

Dirision is whenever somebody decides to use terms like "load of crap" when they don't have the guts to argue any specific device dynamics, just general, out-of-context concepts that weren't being discussed in the first place.

"Perpetual Motion" is a term that means something will run forever. It doesn't mean anything else. If you have a perfect vacuum and a perfect magnetic bearing, a simple floating flywheel could be considered "perpetual motion". Actually, any superconducting coil IS perpetual motion. Perpetual motion, by definition, is neither "source" nor "sink". It's just a perfect storage of energy.

Anyone trying to identify this term with a purported "energy source" of any kind is simply ignorant or is intentionally being deceptive to confuse those that are still on the fence.

As for any, so-called "over unity" systems.....

Our modern society is COMPLETELY powered by tapping the energy levels between sources and sinks provided by nature. You can attribute these sources, in an immediate sense, to chemical bonds, radiation, or whatever. But, ultimately, you end up following the chain of energy input all the way back to the big-bang. Our "energy sources" are just forms of resistive loading in a massive, universal, resonating "tank" circuit with an essentially infinite wavelength.

There are no exceptions. So, the only question worth asking is WHERE can one find energy sources and sinks. Once found, you need only engineer a suitable resistive loading process to tap that potential difference.

So how does this relate to so-called "over unity" devices?

Every time you flip a light-switch in your house, you are applying miniscule amount of caloric energy (your finger) to open the power gate inside the switch. Thereafter, a DIFFERENT ENERGY LOOP passes energy through the lightbulb.

So, you can easily measure the C.O.P. of the switch(just the switch) by comparing the PHYSICAL INPUT POWER from YOU to the electrical power flow THROUGH the switch from the source to the load device. You utility company is the source. The lightbulb is the sink. Any your finger energy was the "trigger" to open the gate between the two. If you're in someone else's home, using that power cost YOU NOTHING. Hmmm..... Looks like YOU got "something for nothing" at the expense of a DIFFERENT, FREE energy loop.

Anything that APPEARS to be "over unity" is merely tapping the potential difference between two "zones" of energy, one more energetic than the other, while the user's input is only enough to trigger the flow between the zones.

This is why Bearden simply uses the measurement of C.O.P. when analyzing ANY energy systems. No energy is CREATED. Nor is any CLAIMED to be created.

Anyone that preemptively argues that those of us ACTUALLY STUDYING C.O.P.>1 systems are promoting "energy from nowhere" or "something for nothing" are either being intentionally deceptive or they are completely ignorant of these systems.

Complete ignorance would seem to suggest that they really aren't a "peer" in any sense of the word.

Finding a source sink relationship using ambient heat:

Heatpumps can do this in a single-temperature space by FREELY REGAUGING temperature gradiants within the refrigerant fluid. This produces a hot-side that's above the ambient temperature and a cold-side that's lower than the original ambient temperature. Maxwell's demon embodied.

Using a typical 3:1 C.O.P.(low efficiency for a heatpump), this translates to 1 unit of energy to drive the compressor and 3 units of temperature gradient energy between the hot and cold sides.

You can easily test this with two large insulated containers of room-temp water and a small heatpump with it's hot-side in one tank and the cold-side in the other.

Measure your input to the heatpump's AC motor with a standard kw-hr meter like the one on your house. Run the system until you reach a set kw-hr measurment for the input power. Then measure the temperature difference between the two water tanks and calculate the kw-hr of energy difference that could be released by allowing an ideal heat-engine to run on the difference between the two tanks.

THEN you'll see how you've been so utterly screwed by the power industry for years.

If you still don't have a clear handle on the whole "efficiency" vs "C.O.P." issue, here's a good link.

.End Rant

« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 08:21:57 AM by charged »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2004, 10:09:51 PM »
Dr. D

thank you for your comments and thoughts, i value input from all.

and no... i am not going anywhere :)

bob g

« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 10:09:51 PM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
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bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2004, 10:25:56 PM »
"Let me ask you a simple question Bob... if overunity and free energy does not exist, what is it that is now presently making the universe run??"

well if i am not mistaken, fusion has a major role in it and i for one have no plans to try to replicate this process in my garage!!

"The machine runs for ever and ever and ever."

your analogy is an interesting one, machine? hmmmmm... not sure how  you are going to attach a power take off onto this machine!!

iFred, seriously now, please try to understand i am not trying to anger or irritate anyone.

my intention was to perhaps try to steer the discussion a bit if possible to endevours that have practical application in "real time"

i would also agree with you in that there are lots of things about nature and our universe that we do not understand at this time, and for that matter may never understand. I am not supporting stifling discussion in any way or to summarily dismiss idea's that i think are "crack pot"

Even idea's that i think are "crack pot" and of no redeeming quatility i recognize have value to someone and that is a good thing. Also i might add that even the whackiest of idea's have things to teach us, if not by their success then certainly as a bi-product.

i guess i just over reacted a bit to the proliferation of the fringe science references, and was concerned about how the board appears to those that might come across it. I would hope that these sort of posts don't serve to put off new folks that might have technical expertise that might add something substantial to our discussions or projects.

i would like to summarize with the following,

again it was not my intent to ruffle anyones feathers, or to challenge anyones belief.

bob g

« Last Edit: April 06, 2004, 10:25:56 PM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
large frame automotive alternators for high output/high efficiency project X alternator for 24, 48 and higher voltages, and related cogen components. and a SOMRAD member


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2004, 07:46:40 AM »
Hi Bob.

I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm just trying to say that we should TOSS OUT the terms "perpetual motion" and "over unity" since they hold no real value except as a "whipping post" where you can tie down the unsuspecting novice and beat them to death, figuratively speaking.

Engineering is not a "faith" issue and it has nothing to do with "beliefs"

It DOES have to do with taking the time to do the experiments to show yourself that some of these devices have the capability of absorbing large amounts of ambient energy while requiring only a small user input to trigger the effect.

Heatpumps do this every time.

What is "practical" on this board is also rather subjective.

The "Weird Science" forum pretty much states in plain terms what you're going to find there. If it disturbs you, the power is yours to ignore that forum. It's like getting upset over Howard Stern. If I don't like the show, I change the channel. Simple enough.

I have no doubt that you are quite familiar with standard circuit design and component usage.

What I do doubt, at this point, is your understanding of the finer points in particle physics and QM, AND how they integrate with standard Maxwellian Electromagnetic theory.

If you do, then you know more than all the other scientists in the field. This is why we don't have a "Unified Field Theory" that holds together, yet.

It's already a given that EVERY MACHINE that we build uses SOME FORM of energy derived from a natural source at some level.

Your car's engine must first be able to extract enough fuel energy to move it's own parts.

It then must also be able to extract enough to provide power for external loads like the alternator, the A/C compressor, and your drive-train.

The energy it took to pump the gas into your car didn't "cost" any mechanical output from the engine. So, if you draw your "system box" to only include the car, not the gas pump, the car "absorbed" some "free energy" from an "unknown source" (the gas pump and YOUR wallet).

A windmill does the same thing.

The blades can be miserably inefficient, and also the generator. But, the basic combination of those blades and that generator still allows the machine to ABSORB AMBIENT WIND ENERGY to POWER ITSELF(overcoming internal losses) and POWER EXTERNAL LOADS, even if it's only eeking out a tiny bit of power.

The "over unity" devices that I've been speaking of are systems that do EXACTLY THE SAME THING using a different energetic medium. Any "excess" output comes from the device's ability to absorb ambient EM field energy using a smaller "trigger" input from the user.

No energy is ever created or destroyed. Only potential differences are tapped in a source-to-sink fashion, ALWAYS.

In the end, all thinking individuals must concede that C.O.P.>1 systems do exist.

One example...

It is already a GIVEN that there are energy absorbing systems that can give the user MORE POWER OUT than what the USER MUST SUPPLY to keep the system running. The "extra" energy is a "triggered absorption" from the ambient environment.

That means that you apply ONE unit of energy to run the system and it results in a MULTIPLE UNIT potential difference between the COLLECTION and EMISSION sides of the system.

This is called "creating a dipole".

ANY DIPOLE is a source of energy that can be tapped with a device tailored for it's specific characteristics.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 07:46:40 AM by charged »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2004, 09:10:28 AM »
Try as you may your heatpump can't power itself so it isn't a PM machine.


« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 09:10:28 AM by kirk »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2004, 11:53:15 AM »
i don't know about you but i am beginning to enjoy this discourse.  :)

i will concede that my choice of the wording "perpetual motion" should have been left out of the discussion, and "unity" and "over unity" should have been the focus.

i will also concede that heat pumps work.

what i am not ready to concede is anyone building a motor that can produce 745 watts of work useing 745 watts of power, let alone one that can do 745 watts of work using less than 745 watts of power.

same goes for generators/alternators, so far i cannot in good faith concede either producing 745 watts of power with anything less than 745 watts of input power.

the reality is that either of these machines (alt or motors) are seldom over 93% efficient in the manufactured varieties and i am sure something less for the DIY variety.

As for good science, good science has to be measurable and duplicatable, by two independant sources. Anything other than that, while being perhaps interesting in concept is not of much use.

it sure seems strange to me, that every time one of these super machines comes out, there never seems to be any independant testing, or claims that it has been tested but no one can document the source of the testing. In some cases the builder will not allow anyone to place a meter or any sort of test equipment onto the apparatus, with the claim they are afraid that "propreitatary" information would be at risk. Ya right! like  maybe the darn thing doesnt work!!

by all means go forth a build your machines, but in the end be ready to defend your claims with "good science" not just a bunch of bold claims.

bob g

« Last Edit: April 07, 2004, 11:53:15 AM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2004, 09:11:42 AM »

"Good science" is sharing the details and allowing ANYONE to build and test the design, on their own.

"Unity" and "overunity" are also being misused with reference to what I'm attempting to explain to you. They have no bearing in relation to energy ABSORPTION. Every machine that we build is "under unity", including windmills and waterwheels. BUT, those "under unity" devices are only individual components in an OPEN SYSTEM that takes in OUTSIDE ENERGY  and DISSIPATES IT in it's "under unity" internal losses and also in it's EXTERNAL LOADS.

If you won't draw this picture in your head and drill the image in, we won't ever be on the same page.

 The only "bold claim" I'm making is that C.O.P.>1 systems are already ubiquitous in our society. Until you place all the machines into this pattern of boxes and examine them in the SAME TERMS, you can't get a clear picture of what's going on.

You are having an "arguement", not a "discourse". Arguing about what you have "faith" in or what your "believe" is not relevant.

 I don't need to defend squat against your "beliefs". All the designs that I've discussed here are out there on the net already. This is my HOBBY. I do it because it's FUN. It's also fun to see others replicating and coming to understand these regauging systems. It is for THEIR BENEFIT that I get on here and gab.

 If you want to see something really odd, build a Bedini motor and DO YOUR OWN measurements. If you won't take that step, you're just barking at the wind. I already know what I've seen, so your arguements aren't really with me. They're with the freely posted designs that you wouldn't ever think to investigate first hand.

Big flywheel, BaFe ceramic magnets 120 degrees apart on the flywheel with all N poles facing out, one trifilar stator winding about 1 1/2" long on a 1/2" ID CPVC core packed with strands of steel wire, simple 1-transistor (BD243C) circuit....

With all the bits and pieces, it takes less than a day in the shop to hack one out.

Measure your input power from the source battery.

Measure your output power going to the receiving battery.

Measure your mechanical output from the shaft.

It doesn't get much simpler.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 09:11:42 AM by charged »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2004, 09:46:10 AM »
i find this quite fascinating how you have co-opted this discussion.

my original posts referred to "unity" "overunity" and so called "perpetual motion"

and somewhere along the way you have taken my comments and steered them to your ends, i think you have completely missed my point.

as for contentions, assertions, belief and faith they are all known as hypothesis at best.

and again, no i am not going to build a Bendini!

end of rant

bob g

« Last Edit: April 08, 2004, 09:46:10 AM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
large frame automotive alternators for high output/high efficiency project X alternator for 24, 48 and higher voltages, and related cogen components. and a SOMRAD member


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2004, 11:35:46 AM »
« Last Edit: April 09, 2004, 11:35:46 AM by charged »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2004, 11:02:51 PM »
....., dot

i just couldn't help myself :-P

bob g

« Last Edit: April 09, 2004, 11:02:51 PM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
large frame automotive alternators for high output/high efficiency project X alternator for 24, 48 and higher voltages, and related cogen components. and a SOMRAD member

Electric Ed

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2004, 10:02:42 AM »
Charged, I think Bearden, et al, are taking advantage of the lack of understanding of the difference between COP and EFFICIENCY, on the part of the general public, to sell books, etc.

All that any "heat pump" can do is raise or lower the temperature of a given quantity of heat energy.

The quantity of heat energy delivered to the area being heated (output) is always less than the quantity of heat energy extracted from the area being cooled (input). Only the temperature is raised.

And in addition there is always an energy input to the heat pump's prime mover.

And Bob G, I agree with your philosophy.

Electric Ed

« Last Edit: April 11, 2004, 10:02:42 AM by Electric Ed »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2004, 07:46:12 AM »
Ya gotta love the rant department.

The brand of "science" that you seem to be promoting(agreeing with) obviously doesn't involve doing any experiments for yourself. It just involves playing the "good ole boy", "pat your ally on the back" routine. Forming a cadre around your "beliefs" doesn't make them any more correct.

Yes, "efficiency" and "C.O.P." are two separate and distinct terms. The definitions for both words are all over the web.

Basic heatpump operation is based on getting more for the USER than what the USER must apply to drive the compressor.

If this were not so, then everyone would toss out their heatpumps and get 1:1 electric heating elements.

Anyone taking the time to study the dynamics of refrigerant materials understands that the drive motor for the compressor is in a separate energy loop from the compression/expansion loop of the refrigerant itself.

This is WHY the term "coefficient of performance" was coined in the first place. Check your history.

Refrigerants make LOUSY working fluid/gas for heat engines because they are so easily compressed, even when the vapor is "hot" (above it's boiling point). They have a low thermal mass in their liquid state and they produce little pressure when boiled, up until they reach "critical" temperature. Then the rules change. Stay below critical, and everything works just fine.

Drive a 1kw resistive heating element and you'll get, ideally, 1kw of heat output.

Drive an H.P. compressor with 1kw to compress a fixed amount of "boiled refrigerant vapor" back into a liquid state and you'll get much more than 1kw of heat "squeezed out" of the refrigerant.

Refrigerants "boil" at very low temperatures. R22 is about -40F. That means that if you release R22 into ANY low pressure environment that is ABOVE -40F, IT WILL BOIL, if given enough TIME in that environment. The TIME it needs to "boil off" will vary depending on the ability of that environment to carry heat energy.

As it boils, it lowers the ambient temp around it as it soaks up BTU's from that local environment.

IF that local environment happens to be DIRECT contact with an aqueous solution, the refrigerant can boil VERY quickly, even at very low temps. This is because the liquid can give up heat much faster than, say, an outdoor, open-air heat exchanger with a blower in it.

WHEN the refrigerant boils, it SUCKS UP local heat, turning it into "latent heat" in the vapor. The thermal mass of refrigerants is very low, and the "phase-change" or "liquid-to-gas" change is WHERE and WHEN all this heat is stored. SIMPLY PUT, IF the refrigerant has boiled, it HAS STORED a fixed amount of heat in the phase-change per liquid unit volume of refrigerant.

It requires a small amount of compressor work to "squeeze" the vapor back into a liquid, crossing the phase-change boundary. ALL THE "LATENT HEAT" that was stored during the phase-change (boiling), is then condensed into that small amount of LIQUID refrigerant. Since the THERMAL MASS of the liquid refrigerant is very low, this results in a sharp rise in PEAK temperature. With a small thermal mass, the only way to maintain the same BTU content is for the temperature to rise accordingly.

This is analogous to the way a step-up/step-down transformer operates by "trading" current for voltage, and vice-versa. Except here we're looking at "X btu's fit in large space at a low temp" traded for "X btu's fit in small space at high temp".

IF the hot liquid refrigerant is then put in contact with another liquid heat exhange medium, the btu's (stored as a high peak temp) are quickly transferred away, raising the temperature of the larger liquid only very slightly. This is because the heat storage liquid (water) has a VERY HIGH thermal mass (low side of the transformer).


 Energy for driving the compressor is what you must "pay" in order to "move existing heat from POINT A to POINT B".  That input is a fraction of the total energy that the system will MOVE (not create).

As I said before, scrounge up any small heatpump (water cooler?) and do the two-tank experiment with a kw-hr meter on the compressor.

You'll end up with a VERY LARGE btu differential between the two tanks of water. That differential will be equal to SEVERAL kw-hrs of differential. 1BTU = .000293 kw-hrs

That's the proof. Nothing is hidden. It's really very simple. You don't even need me in the room to wave a magic wand or anything.

I think this is about the point where you (thread master or lackeys):

1. UTTERLY REFUSE TO ATTEMPT REPLICATION (good science there guys)


2. Say something like "that doesn't work..."

This thread is just like Monty Python's "Arguement Clinic".

« Last Edit: April 13, 2004, 07:46:12 AM by charged »

Electric Ed

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2004, 02:46:24 PM »
Where did you get the notion, that I don't know how the refrigeration cycle operates?

I investigated the pros and cons of the installation of a ground-to-air heat pump, when I built my house, 25 years ago. I don't need you to tell me how it works.

What I did say in my previous post is this:-

"The quantity of heat energy (in btu) delivered to the area being heated (output) is always less than the quantity of heat energy (in btu) extracted from the area being cooled (input). Only the temperature is raised."

Electric Ed

« Last Edit: April 13, 2004, 02:46:24 PM by Electric Ed »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2004, 11:39:07 PM »
very well said Ed, it sure seems wierd where this thing started and where it has gone, the gamit between perp motion and now heat pumps... wow..

and just to go straight up on the record here, as far as heat pumps go, yes they are more efficient than resistive element heating. But of course one should also consider that just about everything is more efficient than resistive element heating.

bottom line is, as i think most folks that have done the research and have read up on the subject have come to realize that with current methods and materials we are not even close to a unity machine, let alone a DIY'er in his garage.

i may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but i am far from the dullest.

i also think that those of you that think along the same lines as i do, don't do so because of being led by anyone, but rather from your own experience and education.

it has been my experience that those that follow usually are not very well informed, to put it mildly, and that is where the danger is, as i see it.

Rather than have fresh minds, new to the energy production game, being caught up in such difficult and unattainable endevours, surely it would be better to have them pursue more mainstream thoughts and science. If not at least have them educated in the mainstream and then branch out if they like.

i am not sure, perhaps i can be corrected here by someone, but i cannot recall one single discoverer of any technology of significance that originated by someone that didnt have a solid background in mainstream math and the sciences. Save for the rare accidental discovery.

to get to unity or anywhere near it, will take someone who can find the flaws in established science, math and physics, not likely to be someone that is not conversant in these disciplines.

but then again what do i know?

bob g

« Last Edit: April 13, 2004, 11:39:07 PM by bob g »
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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2004, 08:32:25 AM »

>"it has been my experience that those that follow usually are not very well informed, to put it mildly, and that is where the danger is, as i see it.

Rather than have fresh minds, new to the energy production game, being caught up in such difficult and unattainable endevours, surely it would be better to have them pursue more mainstream thoughts and science. If not at least have them educated in the mainstream and then branch out if they like."

Interesting that you would somehow relate "danger" to personal study leading to EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of what I'm saying about so-called "over unity" devices.

Thankfully, Bob, you're only in a position to ARGUE and not to ENFORCE your ideas on the rest of thinking society.

Exactly WHO are YOU to be the one "steering" anyone away from doing some INTERESTING and UTTERLY HARMLESS experiments???? Motive?

I never intended to suggest that you are a "dull tool" (your words).

What I will say is that your preemptive, out-of-context thread showed all the earmarks of a "paid debunker" posting.

So, I figured I'd take the bait.

I've done enough business and seen enough of this sort of thing from the "other side" to know it when I see it.

Your methodology is "one half" of a basic sales technique.

First, you need to obliquely demonize your "competition" without DIRECTLY(posting in a specific relevant thread) attacking the "other product". A direct attack makes the salesman appear very petty in the eyes of the potential client, especially if he lacks a full understanding of what he's attacking.

 So, the salesman uses subtle inuendo and phrases like "I believe that..", "it worries me that...", etc...

This makes him seem more humane, as if he's REALLY attempting to save the customer from some horrible suffering brought about by the competition's product, and doesn't want to be a "bad guy".

Your only mistake is that I'M NOT SELLING ANYTHING. I'm only posting things that are INTERESTING TO TRY.


>"i also think that those of you that think along the same lines as i do, don't do so because of being led by anyone, but rather from your own experience and education."

Another excellent example of a basic psy-op tactic. By your logic, anyone that doesn't stay inside the box, like you, is a trouble-maker. In other words, YOU should be "leading" everyone because you are so fantastically "educated".

Bob, I gave YOU the SIMPLE EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS to follow. You won't do the experiment(s) because you're being PAID TO DEBUNK.

You're not here to search for any truth. You're only here to (subtly??) "steer" things your way (heh), and attempt to "block" any information that goes beyond the basic "wrap some wire and swing a magnet at it" type of power production.


Companies PAY people to play and rate video games, stuff envelopes, solder circuits, and, YES, DEBUNK POTENTIAL COMPETING IDEAS. It's just business folks, not some sort of major conspiracy. Attempt to marginalize anyone that promotes something that might be detrimental to your company profits.

Oops! Guess it backfired, eh? Now, not only is the information staring everyone in the face. YOU brought the spotlight out on it! Congratulations.

Other things to think about...


Here's the simple truth.

If I HEAT a 55gal drum full of water with solar power, or by burning a fuel, and I manage to put X btu's into that water, the temperature rises and the btu's are stored.

I can then use that heated liquid to drive the hot-side of a heat-engine with a large open-air heat-sink on it's cold-side. IDEALLY, the engine will run until that mass of liquid has given up all the stored heat above ambient air temperature.

This much is standard heat-engine science.

AT the same time, if that COLLECTED heat was from a heat pump, X btu's would be collected and stored in the water and for driving the compressor X/(C.O.P) btu(kw-hr equivalent) would be used. In other words, a FRACTION of the energy that was COLLECTED AND STORED is what's required to drive the system. VERY SIMPLE.

So, now you suggest that the drum full of heated water, the same temp as with the other sources, with the same number of stored btu's CANNOT drive the heat-engine.

Interesting stance you're taking.

>"and just to go straight up on the record here, as far as heat pumps go, yes they are more efficient than resistive element heating. But of course one should also consider that just about everything is more efficient than resistive element heating."

For the record, this seems to be a very curt cop-out in an attempt to side-step the basic science of what's really happening in a heat-pump system.

YOU do not display any understanding of the difference between "C.O.P." and "efficiency". "Efficiency" is a SUBSET of the total system "C.O.P.". This is basic heat-pump system mathematics, a BASIC fact of which you appear unaware.

For you to say "yes they(heatpumps) are more EFFICIENT...", is kinda like saying "Yes, I like that GUY, 'Jethro Tull'"

If you still aren't following the logic, here's what I mean.

  1. Any SINGLE component in the heat-pump system, or any other machine, has it's own EFFICIENCY for what IT SPECIFICALLY DOES.
  2. The combination of various, relatively INEFFICIENT sub-components CAN RESULT in an overall system that ABSORBS AMBIENT ENERGY while DIVERTING SOME OF THAT COLLECTED ENERGY  TO DRIVE ITSELF.


A windmill that has very poorly designed blades might only absorb enough wind energy THROUGH THOSE BLADES to JUST break-even with it's bearing friction. Trying to load the generator would STALL the windmill. THIS would be close to a C.O.P.1 (unity) energy absorbing system. By improving BLADE EFFICIENCY, the system C.O.P. begins to rise above 1. That means that the wind (already there) gives energy to the blades. The blade efficiency(first stage power loss) determines how much of the intercepted wind energy is transferred to the axle. At the axle, SOME of that energy must overcome bearing friction (second stage power loss). The energy remaining is then sent to the generator and SOME is lost on internal loads(third stage losses). What remains is then sent down the wire to the house and SOME is lost in the wire (fourth stage). In the end, you have a bunch of INEFFICIENCIES in the individual components. BUT, you still have FREE POWER left after all the losses. This is how "C.O.P." works.

A heat-pump has the unusual capacity for COLLECTING low heat energy from one area, CONDENSING THAT HEAT into a smaller space at much higher temperature, and using LESS than that amount of heat energy to DRIVE the pump.

This is WHY the term "Coefficient of Performance" was coined in the first place.

The simplest definition can be found here.


To put everything in perpective:

The refrigerant/compressor combo is the "windmill blade".

The heat engine to drive the compressor is the "axle bearing, generator, and transfer line losses".

If you have a C.O.P.=3 system and a 33% efficient heat engine, you have "unity energy collection". It's not a PPM any more than a windmill is. The energy is ALREADY IN THE ENVIRONMENT as HEAT.

If you have a C.O.P.=4 system with a 33% efficient heat engine, you have an "over unity collection" system, JUST LIKE A NORMAL WINDMILL.

A heat-pump, a heliostat, a windmill, etc..., are all VERY SIMILAR CONCEPTS, using DIFFERENT PHYSICAL SYSTEMS.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 08:32:25 AM by charged »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2004, 02:48:00 PM »
i used to be of the impression that one was either part of the problem or part of the solution,,, i guess now i have been relegated to a third position and that is as part of a vast conspiracy!!

and i guess my check is in the mail huh???  :)

bob g

ps. i will respond to your concerns later tonight,, got to go check the mail.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 02:48:00 PM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
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bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2004, 09:54:52 PM »
whewy,, just got back from the mail box,,, hmmmm still no check!!!

bob g

« Last Edit: April 15, 2004, 09:54:52 PM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2004, 06:18:59 AM »
I don't have any 'concerns', Bob, just observations.

I've been a "salesman". Couldn't stomach it anymore. Now I have a hobby.

The tag's in your ear.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2004, 06:18:59 AM by charged »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2004, 11:31:06 AM »

"the tag is in your ear",

i am not sure what was meant by that one, so i will wait to respond to it until i do.

in all fairness, i do understand where you are coming from, at least the part on not stifling innovation where ever it originates.

i understand you are quite passionate about your envolvment in your hobby, as most of us are.

i too am very envolved and quite passionate about my position in reguards to this hobby or obsession. i use the word obsession purposely as i do feel at least for me i am obsessive about it.

while you and i may represent differing sides of the same issue, that is not at all a bad thing. the way i see it is you and i have defined the perhaps the scope, and i would hope that those that have followed this post have taken the time to consider what each of us have said.

i also in reading your comments feel your frustration with my position and i would hope that you also read and understand my frustration with some of yours.

 Again it was not my intention to irritate or inflame you or anyone on this board, but rather bring to light the situation with "google" searches bringing in a higher density of fringe interests over that of those that might bring more technical or engineering backgrounds. To those ends i still maintain it is a valid concern, perhaps i am wrong, but i really don't think so.

i suppose it would be a very dull world if we all agree'd on everything, so i guess we can agree to disagree on this one.

fair enough?

bob g

« Last Edit: April 20, 2004, 11:31:06 AM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2004, 08:21:08 AM »
Fair enough.

Further info on "playing games" with the carnot cycle "rules". The "carnot cycle" for any heat engine/heat pump is based on using the same WORKING FLUID in both instances.

Using TWO SEPARATE LOOPS with TWO SEPARATE WORKING FLUIDS can produce some interesting results.

The last line is the most important statement.

"Some of the most impressive industrial heat pump performance occurs in water purification, evaporation, and distillation processes where waste heat vapors can be recovered to displace process heating. COPs can reach 30 and more in certain cases! The waste heat source can be estimated as approximately 80-90% of the heat input in evaporators and distillation towers"

What they are saying here is that a heat pump will "recover" 80-90% of the heat energy from the water vapor, during condensation, so that it can be re-applied to the water boiler and used again(the heat).

This is for an adiabatic steam distillation unit. Enough heat is input into the system to get the water boiling, then the heat pump draws most of it's heat from the steam output.

Full embodiment of what I'm suggesting is this.

A sealed enclosure with a single-piston steam engine in one end, a small open tank of water in the other end, and an insulating barrier in-between the two.

The internal pressure of the container is lowered with a vacuum pump and sealed. This lowers the boiling point of the water. This means you can adjust the water's boiling point to match the "comfortable" temperature range of your heat pump.

Place your heat pump CONDENSER INSIDE a highly heat-conductive high-thermal-mass block. Then place that block in then end of a cylinder. For maximum efficiency, the block is maintained at a fairly steady high temperature, slightly above the boiling point of water.

The heat pump EVAPORATOR is placed inside the water reservoir, so that all heat transfer is through the liquid water. This maintains maximum heat-transfer efficiency.

There are also metal screens placed horizontally from top to bottom in the tank.

The water is maintained at only a few degrees below boiling.

A water injection port allows water to be "squirted" in very small amounts into the bottom of the cylinder, across the face of the block, when the piston is at the bottom  of the cylinder (just enough head-space to allow the water). The water is pumped out of the container at the other end in a simple, metered fashion, each revolution of the flywheel.

The water is injected, flash boils, then the steam expansion pushes the piston up, rotating the flywheel.

There is in exhaust port at the top of the cylinder where the expanded steam is allowed to escape through a tube that exhausts into the bottom of the water reservoir at the other end of the enclosure. The steam bubbles up through the screens and water, recondensing and releases it's latent heat, heating the water. That heat is reclaimed by the evaporator, returning most of it to the boiler block at the condenser.

Maximum C.O.P. results when the "hot" and "cold" sides of a heat pump are kept very close to the same temperature. This is where the C.O.P. of 30 can be demonstrated.

With a C.O.P. of 30 (only a few degrees hot-side-to-cold-side differential) you need 3.3 unit of compression energy to move 100 equivalent units of heat energy.

"...A steam engine exhausting to atmosphere will have an efficiency (including the boiler) of 5% but with the addition of a condenser the efficiency is greatly improved to 25% or better. A power station with exhaust reheat, etc. will achieve 30% efficiency..."

This means you let the steam condense in the SOURCE WATER to keep it pre-heated to JUST UNDER BOILING TEMPERATURE. This yields 25%+ STEAM PRESSURE to MECHANICAL WORK efficiency for a simple piston-type steam engine.

If your steam engine is JUST OVER 3.3% efficient at converting the STEAM PRESSURE to MECHANICAL WORK, then you have ENOUGH engine shaft power to drive the compressor, keeping the system running without further outside heat input.

If your engine is ABOVE 3.3% efficiency, there is excess shaft power available to to REAL WORK, like turning a generator.

This works because the HEAT, itself is MOLECULAR RESONANCE that ENTRAINS quantum vacuum energy.

Seal some "heated" liquid in a super-insulated container and the "heat energy" stays in that container, unable to radiate or convect away.

This is PERPETUAL MOLECULAR MOTION if the heat cannot "escape" the container. Of course, we're talking about a theoretically PERFECT insulation around the bottle.

Releasing that heat THROUGH a heat engine doesn't "destroy" the heat. It only allows it to "spread out". A simple heat pump can collect all the "heat" and "focus" it back into a higher temp, more concentrated package.

It's really not too different from the way a magnifying glass(passive entrainment) can concentrate diffuse sunlight into a small, high temp, more concentrated package, setting that poor, hapless ant ablaze.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2004, 08:21:08 AM by charged »


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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2004, 08:26:53 AM »
Sorry, I forgot to explain the "tag" thing.

It has to do with marking certain "exceptional" members of an animal herd for further study, nothing more.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2004, 08:26:53 AM by charged »

bob g

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Re: final thoughts
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2004, 12:56:07 PM »
correct me if i am wrong here, but the discussion seems to be morphing into a discourse on heat pump technology and or variations on that theme.

Is this what you want to discuss here?  

is this your example in  support of "unity" or "overunity" systems?

   if so i think what you are describing here is a technology that has been around for well over 100 years in steam turbine and steam engine work, in that the waste heat is recovered and the quality improved by refiring.

it would appear that you are proposing using the heat pump process to do the refiring so to speak to improve the quality of the heat to run the turbine/engine.

i follow you math and theory, but find only one possibly flaw in the scheme, and that is the fact that while it takes 1  btu to raise 1 lb of water i degree, it takes over 900 btu to change state from water at 212 degrees F. to 212 degree steam.

i can see a heat pump being able to deliver additional heat to drive the mechanism, but not sufficient heat to overcome the change of state, at least in the needed quantity to drive the process, much less have any over unity production of power.

i can see an improvement in efficiency perhaps, but not to the point of unity in the system as a whole and certainly not in an "over unity" scheme.

correct me if i am wrong here also, but it would seem far easier a task to take an off the shelf electric motor of high efficiency design (93%) and work to tweak it to approach unity.... rather than work with steam technology that is seldom over 25 percent efficient to start with, trying to get to unity with it.

also i might add i could get excited about someone, that is working on a motor/generator etc, that perhaps was designing it to run in a vacuum tank, with magnetic brgs, some form of exceptionally low resistance wire for coils etc.  perhaps a motor driven generator running within the vacuum. This type of scheme would have good application, and would also provide alot of learning for all of us from a practical side. Most motor generators such as the surplus units run at around 60 percent efficiency, a long way from unity, but at least something to work with toward a more efficient machine.

i understand your grasp of the theoretical, and i can appreciate your passion for your cause and the technology that may someday become a reality in some sort of way, be it limited or mainstream.

i personally just think it would be cool to see what is possible when 1500 members of  this group work together rather than on so many disparate directions.

i remember a couple of years ago, there were a lot of folks working very hard here to develope the axial alternators, stator cores, laminate materials, blade profiles, manufacture, processes etc, etc.

i miss those days, wish we had more of them.

as for you and me going back and forth on this unity issue, i am ok with that, but maybe on another section of the board. i really don't mind discussing things that i may or may not agree with, because there is always something to learn and apply elsewhere.

and btw, thank you for clearing up the "tag" issue, having grown up in the midwest, around farm animals, my first reaction was quite negative to the use of the term.

no harm, no foul

bob g

« Last Edit: April 23, 2004, 12:56:07 PM by bob g »
research and development of a S195 changfa based trigenerator, modified
large frame automotive alternators for high output/high efficiency project X alternator for 24, 48 and higher voltages, and related cogen components. and a SOMRAD member