Author Topic: my solar plan[CLOSED]  (Read 1163 times)

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my solar plan[CLOSED]
« on: April 13, 2008, 04:26:32 AM »
This is my first post... been lurking and reading for a little while. I am in the process of building a off-grid cabin. I have already purchased an inverter but everything else is still up in the air.

I am mostly looking for lights but other things like radio, maybe a small tv, fan for composting toilet(not on all the time) will be used

The cabin is on the edge of an old field. To get enough light I figure I need to go 50' or more mount the panels. because of this I was looking for a solution so as to not have to use large gauge expensive wire. This got me looking at mppt charge controllers to go from larger voltages down to 12v.

I have the plan as it sits now on a web page here :

I will be adding photos and such as things progress. Right now the cabin shell is complete (built by local Amish) I will be finishing it up this year.

also for batteries My initial plan is for two then to add two more next year.

any comments and suggestions would be helpful. I have been reading alot but I know I have holes in what I have read. Some things I am questioning are the fuse/breaker/wiring requirements at each stage (between PV Panels & controller, battery & controller, battery & inverter and inverter & panel)

Thanks in advance for any help

cleb: Here is some advice... We try to discourage posting "stories" that just link to pages on remote sites. It makes it difficult for users to discuss it having to go there to read then come back here to discuss it. The link is broken, too which is another very good reason to not do it this way. Also, external sites often change or go away which doesn't work well, either.

Please repost the FULL story here, if you wish to get feedback. Closed to comments to encourage that.

« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 04:26:32 AM by (unknown) »