Author Topic: Trouble With an AIMS Inverter  (Read 1078 times)

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Trouble With an AIMS Inverter
« on: October 19, 2008, 11:38:03 PM »
I just read a couple of posts about AIMS inverters.  I assure you I will be on the phone with them on Monday. They are about to get an EAR FULL.  I wonder if anyone ELSE has had trouble with an AIMS or other brand of inverter putting out broadband interference ( rf ) outside their home? I live 10 or 12 houses from a neighbor with an elaborate wind/solar 12 volt to 120 volt system. At closer examination today, his AIMS unit which is emitting rf from 1.5mhz to 52mhz. at the very minimum, and for quite a long distance. ( almost 3/4 mile away ) This flies in the face of FCC regulations on some many levels I can't even count them. Has anyone had any experience with this and/or with an AIMS or other brand? Are they notorius, and are they servicable? I cannot imagine that this unit could have met FCC type acceptance. Any thoughts?

Yeah, my thought is this has doodley squat to do with solar or this forum. Bitch to them first.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 11:38:03 PM by (unknown) »