Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Your WIre Voltage Losses?


I figured this is the best place to put this, because it applies to all types of power.

There is specs, and science for the actual losses through wiring, but what YOUR REAL drops are is more important.

if you know some of your line drop voltages or amps would you copy paste the below template and list them?  Pllleeeeaassse :-)
Approximate is ok.

provide any stats that you know.
Source Voltage -

Source Amperage -

Source Wattage -

Source type -
Wire Length -

Wire Guage -

Braided [ ]  Single strand [ ]

Wire metal -

# of wires per pole -

(if you use 2 or 3 wires of an assembly for each side)
AC (rms) [ ]  DC  [ ]
Voltage loss -

Amperage loss -

Watts loss -
Load Voltage -

Load Amperage -

Load Type -
And any other comments:

Hey Psycho, the only way to express and realize the actual losses aka "REAL drops" is scientificly.  If you are going to use this information for a project you have in mind then it would be much easier to use the "science".  If you are out to prove Ohm, Lens, or Farraday wrong.... Good Luck!



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