Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Storage needs Previewing Calculation

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On a 220V grid, i would like to have a capability to storage a 200K W/month medium, for my future windy generator. My home as all the stuf a regular house have, such as microwave, fridge, wash machine, 2 tv's, lights,...
How can i make some calculation to figure it out what are my storage needs, for some period of time of backup?

i would recommend you take how much you use right now and double it for monthly use....you can also make sure to have enough batteries to have a weeks worth of storage expecting the worst and no winds for that period..you could also go by what the standard wind in your area dictates...i believe where i am right now for instance it is common to have wind for three days and then no wind for three days...so if i have  6 days worth of storage, i should be good, but if you can afford it, get alot of storage...just my thoughts, may not be the same as others...take care...pickster

I have an online calculator that I am working on that will do that for you.

It is not really ready for prime-time yet, but you can try it out if you want to. . .
You just go to the website, and follow the instructions for the loading and fill in the appropriate information and let it do the work.  each item is pretty well explained.
You can enter system voltage of 12, 24 or 48, how many amps the panels are and how many it takes to make the system voltage.  Enter the voltage and amp-hours of your selected battery and how many it takes to make the system voltage.  Enter the maximum number of no-sun days you would like to be able to go and it will crank out your total Watt Hours on a per-day basis, how many batteries it will take to run those Watt Hours (without ever draining the batteries below 80% (that is 80% remaining not 80% used)) and it will show you that conservation is the *first thing you need to do before you even think about going to a complete RE system.

it will show you that conservation is the *first thing you need to do
Quite correct. I've lowered my electricity usage to 1200kWh/yr, and that's for a 2-person household. CF-lights everywhere, energy-saving fridge, energy-saving washing machine (no hotfill yet), all devices with a standby function behind a hard switch. We have replaced our two CRT computer monitors with TFT monitors, and will be replacing our TV with TFT also (100W vs. 50W).

And of course common sense stuff like turning off lights when you're not in a room, filling the washing machine to the maximum capacity etc. Hardly glamorous stuff and a lot less sexy than PV-panels on your roof but it makes a big difference.
Living in a rental house there's not much I can do about my natural gas and water usages, but I have installed a water-saving showerhead (should save gas, too) and when I'm cold I put on a sweater instead of turning up the heating.
When we 'upgrade' to our own house I want to install a rainwater system for the toilet and the washing machine, that should save lots of water. When I can get the money together I also want a PV installation and a a solar hot water system. But that's for the future.

And your site is??



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