Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

battery answers

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Texas Al:
Oh, and hey, I found a partial answer to an earlier poster's question and my own:
"EXPANDER:  A blend of lamp black, barium sulfate, and possible other organic and inorganic materials, added to negative paste in order to increase the porosity and minimize the shrinkage of the sponge lead in the finished plate."
I found it here...
(very nice glossary of little battery details I had no idea they even had words for)

Texas Al:
Also, you can't tell what this is from looking at the page, but these are the ingredients found in various varieties of Hammond's negative expander.

Texas Al:
Here's another...
lingin (same as wood flour?), carbon black, and BaSO4 again

Thanks for the battery links.  Lots of great information there.


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