Homebrewed Electricity > Storage

Nickel Iron Battery Electrolyte?

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I have some nickel-iron batteries that will eventually need to have the electrolyte renewed.  Despite a lot of web searching, all I've found is history lessons and such concerning these batteries.  Is there a USA industrial chemical supplier of reaonable cost for the ingredients and what else goes in besides KOH?
I also have some small wet-cell NiCd batteries that would benefit from renewed electrolyte.  Will the same electrolyte serve?

You can buy the electrolyte for nickel iron batteries from caving shops.  It is the same as that used for NiCd: normally potassium hydroxide with some lithium hydroxide.
Here is an example from the country where I live.
I'm sure you can find it closer, though.

I also have a set of flooded nicad bateries that I am thinking could stand  to have the electolyte changed in them. I have done a deal of searching for replacement electrolyte, but have come up empty  handed. There are some good articles in the Home Power Magazine archives on making your own electroyte, but the source for the chemicals is the sticking point. If anyone knows of a source for the Nicad Electrolyte, I would also like to know where.
Just my 2 cents


  I think that potassium hydroxide is the main body of common household drain cleaner such as Red Devil.It is also called potash,makes a good hand cleaner,cleans your flesh right down to the bone.Also has strong reactions when water is added.So rubber gloves and glasses are in order.

I found this page the other day, loads of places & common products that contain various chemicals... potassium hydroxide is about 3/5 of the way down the page.

MelTx - Red Devil (lye or caustic soda) is sodium hydroxide


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