I found an outlet for used agm power battery tc 12120S 45 dollars each. He has a listed on ebay but it closes soon so I will not post it. The guy told me them came from a back up system in chicago and there grid there hardly ever goes down. He said they were only a couple years old and he has midtronis tester and only sells the good ones. All 4 I got had 12.5 to 12.8 on my vom. Took charge great and I will be checking them for load tonight. He told me he has about 80 of thease batterys left. I have his phone number but I do not think it is right to post it here.
So if you want any send me message I give you his number. He told me he alway has batterys its his buisness. Thought I would share this outlet here. I have learned a lot from this forum and am trying to help others.