Author Topic: How much storage??  (Read 1685 times)

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How much storage??
« on: March 20, 2006, 06:31:58 PM »
Hi, thanks to all the informantion i've got from the web-site so far,.. but i need a little more help with some options;

I work all day and don't use much power when i am home, only of an evening, TV etc, then i'm asleep,.. on average i use 12.8Kw per day, I'am currently thinking of going for a 1-2Kw wind turbine, i live in Kent, England, i'm about 500yrds from the sea with clear open fields on all side's, so the wind is always blowing, the last week avareage has been 16m/s with gusts upto 24m/s the lowest its been is 10m/s.

how many battery should i go for? and what A/hr rate would be best,??

also thinking of using a 5KW inverter with a peck of 8kw,85%effeciy...

thanks for your help


« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 06:31:58 PM by (unknown) »