Homebrewed Electricity > Wind

My first Wind Turbine finally done!


Here we are taking a break as we finish up my first homebuilt!

 Just Kidding!...Actually this is my first homebuilt..I put it outside today, Wired for 48 volt, 140 turns of #17 wired Star. I set it up in a ten mile an hour wind, it took off like a rocket,(or so I thought). I used the knife switch, shut it down. got battery , meter etc ready and wind  instantly went down..So hopefullt tomorrow get some statistics.I used a yeild sign for tail, I think thats a mistake as it seems small, Volvo spindle, 11 1/4 inch rotors 2x1x1/2 magnets. Spruce blades,they were amazing I mounted them today first time and proceeded to balance them only to find they needed no balancing whatsoever! We messed around with them for awhile ,tracking was dead on and so was balance.Got Lucky I guess. This machine will be on display in a couple places in town before going on a tower in April or May, that is why we decided to paint it up a bit. I would like to thank Dan B for answering all my emails and everyone on here who answered questions, I found this to be the most rewarding project I've ever done!I'm hooked now.


The pics of your actual mill are not showing up yet - may be the same problem some folks were having the other day (ref the white cat in a snow storm comments); but the first pic showed up fine and gave me a damn good laugh.  If there were no other pics or verbage, I would comment:
Why did you start out with such a small mill?
Thanks for the laugh.




still not working at least on my pc, but I went to your files and looked at the pics.

Nice looking mill.  Just a curiousity where are those pics taken?  The landscape kind of looks like whre I used to live (as a youngster) in eastern Colorado.



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