Author Topic: Should I be worried  (Read 1259 times)

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Should I be worried
« on: June 19, 2006, 12:07:26 AM »
Hiya chaps and chapesses, new boy here... I have purchased (because the electrical bit is not my forte) 3 wind turbines at 2kw, or so they say, to power my home that I've yet to build, but 20k to get the cable there is the motivator. However, all 3 will alledgdly mount on a 2" pipe with no bearing (ball/thrust), just swivel on pressed steel/collars mounted directly onto PM alternators. Should I be modifying the mounts? Mech stuf isn't a problem to me...but I would hate to see my power supply biting the good earth in 12 months time. They also say that these do not need to furl and they can handle any wind speed (2 have plastic blades,500w and 1,1kw, a fibreglass type). Is manufacturer hype or what?

Great forum and I must say I have gleened plenty of useful stuff from your contributors.


Gary S.

Editors Note;

Uh, it might help if you provided manufacturers name and models or at least a picture. As is we need to be clairvoyant to answer this question. Please resubmit with more information. Pending that comments are disabled.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2006, 12:07:26 AM by (unknown) »