Homebrewed Electricity > Other

Pedal generator - 300 watts :-)

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Bruce S:
 Still playing with numbers for next trike, but size wise 1k unit is going to be a good start.
That Plus a good 1 lunger Diesel would keep batteries to a minimum. Batteries would be set for 26 mile trip (twice distance to work).

Our current trike, will need to find the link or post pic again, is nice, but the 600watt ac unit is limited in speed and a 1k watt unit will go where the 600 watt unit is with little changes.
In the back there's a separate area that would certainly handle a little 1/2Hp gas powered motor along with a very small gen for battery recharge if necessary.
This area was built for just the purpose of extra long distance travel devices. The company even built one with a H2 generator just for proof of concept.

Bruce S


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