Homebrewed Electricity > Controls

Question for those with PicLOGS


I posted this at "the back shed" also, but looks like everyone's out smoking behind the shed and nobody's at the computer.   :-)
I'll post here, too:
I am assembling a piclog as per the diagram version 1.2 from this website, on a breadboard.
Pin #6 (Second from bottom on the right) of the PicAxe chip shows going through a 1k resistor to an endpoint on the battery's negative terminal. (There is also a zD and Cap in parallel)
However, along the way, there is a big red dot labeled "Batt -ve" that is part of the same bus as many parts that are (+) and is also shown to be directly connected to the (+) of the battery!
I can't see for the life of me how this isn't a short-circuit. Your guys have made these successfully, so it is obviously my mistake here.
Please advise!
Also, stupid question - the diagrams that show "ground" all go to the same home row as the battery's (-) terminal right? Stupid question I know, but I'm still learning.
I'll attach a diagram if I can, in a followup post.

No links no diagram no point. Sounds like a backshed problem so take it there.


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