Homebrewed Electricity > Controls

DC power supply question


What kind of diode array would I need to rig up if I were to connect 2 DC PSUs (ATX computer PSUs actually) together in parallel to increase max current? I figure id need diodes since the voltages can vary sometimes, and if one is different than the other things can happen. Any ideas as to how to go about this?

An example of exactly what you're trying to achieve would be helpful.

Computer power supplies are fickle things at the best of times.

Yes the +5 volt supplies need a load to properly regulate, which affects the other output voltages. If what you need is the 12 volt outputs then put a hefty load resistor on each of the +5 supplies and you can then combine the 12 volt outputs, diodes probably arn't necessary as it already has them inside, besides which you would end up with 11.3 volts with them. I'd load them with at least 1 amp each which would be a 5 Ohm 50 watt resistor.


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