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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2006, 06:28:27 PM »
Why people like OZTULES assume non realities.

I have not tried to sell anything here, and no one that has received my help, which are many in this group can attest that I have not asked for a penny.

OZTULES you are wrong again, when you are going to think the proper and right thought -- why don't you inquire first, instead of sending false and untrue statements

I DO NOT DO CONSULTING IN THIS GROUP, EVERY THING I HAVE SAID IT HAS BEEN CLEAR AND TRUE -- Not like YOU -- I do consulting on the side with COMPANIES -- not with individuals, which is well paid, since the companies that know me know what they get from the beginning --

YES OZTULES like you say : you are a SLOB and by your words LAZY ; that you want to have the things you want in a Silver Plate and not paying for it -- disgusting behavior of yours --

learn to interact in true ways without abusing !!


« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 06:28:27 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2006, 06:37:13 PM »

You are a liar filling this space with falsehoods.

You are now accusing me of stealing -- It seems by the way you communicate that is what seems you do.


" I can sympathize with Nando's position to some degree." so could I until he admitted to openly skulking around trying to obtain a copy of someone elses work to further his own ends by the use of his surruptitious professor friend


Here first ask what was said on what bases -- and for one, the software in the TAMU project was free to get -- so imbecile -- try to be honest with your words -- which I see you are not.

Your behavior is insulting and demeaning.


« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 06:37:13 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2006, 09:47:20 PM »
Nothing to lose.... i disagree for the following reasons

If a lowlife lying demeaning lower than a snakes belly fat lazy little slob like me (see further back in the's all true) is capable of designing and building some power electronics, then normal people should have no trouble at all.

This all bodes very very well, for the majority of people out there (who are not as mentally challenged and debased as myself, (see above.)) to make a reasonable fist of it, particularly if some of the more worthy proponents of the art were to help them.

It would be very precious to feel that only the chosen few should be privleged enough to practice the dark art of electronics.

Although this does beg the question of just who buys the gazillion electronics  magazines that are published each year. Just to use up paper you think? or are lots of unworthy slobs that shouldn't have access to them, hiding in their basements reading them?  Do you think the millions of articles that deal with power or hv electronics should be censored?

Or are all their articles useless and poorly thought out, unattainable by any but the chosen engineer....i don't believe so.

They are able to produce good working circuits of amazing complexity (i built my first computer from one of these in the seventies  a z80 based. dialo pen, etched and drilled the board,etc etc. If they can explain how to build a computer back then and even I could build it from individual chips, caps, resistors, eproms, momentry switches for keyboard etc I don't see power electronics being terribly difficult to design and build for the novice constructor. My designs are NOT good enough . I am not a professional. They worked for me, but at great expense to the fets of the world

They appear to be stable enough for me. But i wouldn't recommend them for others, but thats MY failing.

A good designer CAN design buildable projects, stable and easily replicatable. If your design/s cant claim that, then your design is NOT good enough, it is not the constructors who are to blame.

Bear in mind for the magazines, thats without 27 years research, without producing thousands to see if they work, without telling their reader how dumb they are for not working it out themselves.

Perhaps we should ban all diy programs and literature. More people are admitted to hospital each year as a result of ,home surgery with drills routers,band saws,planers welders,you name it someone will have tried it, than power electronics experiments.

I must have performed unauthorised brain surgery on myself, to be so blatantly in favour of giving free people the chance to make up their own minds to tackle a project or not.

I don't subscribe to the theory that someone should tell another person not to try to better themselves, just because they are a mechanic, or butcher, or farmer or street sweeper, or female or any other "categorisation". and yes people have performed surgery on one another in desperate times.

Where I am, if something drastic goes wrong, then YES I will cut whats left of my arm off to free myself from machinery that may have tried to eat me, or any other problem that befalls me IF I HAVE TO.

If i don't have to, then I will try and make it across 70 miles of water to the nearest hospital. But If I have to work on myself or my loved ones, then it would be nice to have that information service available (over here it is), so that I (or others) can help the best way, via best practices available.

Isn't it odd that you have been performing "surgery" yourself....

"I bought some NON-working Ups's cheap when I picked up my Matrix. $5 each, several are over 1000watt sinewave. I just got 1 working tonight and it's now worth more than I paid for all of them :)"

From your posts I think you are probably in a good position to do this. But it's not what I think that counts....its what you think that will dictate if you will give it a go... not me, and should never be.

Anyway, life is too short for this, so try and have some fun, but don't try and live lives for others. Let the folks choose what they are capable of after all thats how we get through life isn't it?...making choices. If they do make a choice to give it a go, DONT kick them in the teeth, Help them if you are able.

.........unqualified snivelling scumbag put back in my place...oztules.

Ps and next time you weld up a frame, get it x-rayed and certified or call a professional. You wouldn't want it to fall down, you may need onsite medical help or maybe if your isolated, you may have to do it yourself....shock horror..see how silly this can get, yet serious also.

I'm sure this isn't the place for this. Administrator feel free to disappear this.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 09:47:20 PM by (unknown) »
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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2006, 02:33:26 AM »
sorry about that NTL.

The general thrust was ok, but far to abrasive  I'm sorry for that, this westerly wind just hasn't let up for days now, it's turned me into a grumpy old man.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 02:33:26 AM by (unknown) »
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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2006, 06:06:31 AM »

I can only see the pictures YOU paint. I don't know what is in your head, only what you show us. If you cannot express youself accurately, or succinctly, then I cannot decipher that which you may be trying to say. ie you may think you are saying one thing, when to others, you come out different to what you thought.

I only answer your manic reply because you have asked a valid and direct question, which deserves an answer.

"Here first ask what was said on what bases -- and for one, the software in the TAMU project was free to get -- so imbecile -- try to be honest with your words -- which I see you are not."

Now I think that means ........possibly that means that you are asking for an explanation of why I thought that you tried to gain information via a surruptitious route unsucessfully.  is that it?

"I was aware of it, early when released, just to be familiar with the software, I tried to get the source code -- no luck, even tough I had, in TAMU, a professor friend trying to get it for me -- the students kept it and the professors did not care to keep copies.

The students are gone and most of them will be using the design for their own benefit-- financially --."

Thats why.

You claim intimate knowledge of it either before it was released, or early in its release, can't work out quite which one you mean.

To am imbecile like me that means when it was current at the very least. Your further attempts to get hold of the software which you claim as public domain now, came to nothing.( -- no luck,) That doesn't sound too free and public otherwise in your position you would have it. but no - still nothing.

 In a further attempt to gain access to this "free software " you employ the services of your good friend the professor a TAMU insider.   Still no luck.

So by now all attempts to get this "free software" possibly before release (thats not made completely clear by you) or early in its release (whichever of the two you meant) or via inside help after release, you were still unable to procure this software, which one has to assume is specific to this project and freely available..............why on earth would I think otherwise.

Even if you had informed us at the start it was free, with that series of events, it would be hard to believe.

Without being told (not a mindreader yet), have no doubt, its not my first response. No sane person would look at that chain of events and say, gee that must have been free software.

Just to push the point, you then go on to regret that the students that were there have gone, and run away to make their fortune....."The students are gone and most of them will be using the design for their own benefit-- financially --"....with the software that you are lamenting that you were unable to procure?????

Silly me for thinking that you were wistfully hoping to have done the same thing. That is what you were saying, and if not, then that's how it comes accross.

I'm sorry Nando, you can admonish me all you like but that is what you have said. If you don't agree with what you have written, then write something else. But before you fall off your perch again-------re-read what you have written. Divorce yourself from what you think you meant, and figure out what picture you have painted for us to see.

You claim to be a professional, well try and be professional and use your logic, not your feelings.... look at the facts, not your hopes.

I can only hope that you read this carefully, it may help your communications in future. The other post that you objected to can be subjected to the same analysis. Ambiguous statements will invaraibly lead to mis-understanding.


"I designed such transformerless inverter about 8 or 10 years ago and only 3 has been built, I gave the design away, that even showed ways to produce 10+ KW for 115 volts and 30 KW for 220 volts -- because very few people think in the advantages of high battery voltage --"

Fanman found something close to it and he bought the schematic -- with free time I will try to draw improvements for his ckt -- consulting time is my priority -- it pay well, that one day of work pays more than one week of work for many.

Here you claim ownership of the transformerless design "I designed such transformerless inverter about 8 or 10 years ago"  You then go on the say that fanman had found a design similar and bought the schematic of that which you are the owner.

If he bought your design, one would assume that he has bought it from you. You then go on to say that you will draw circuit with improvements in spare it is your design, and then you go on to say that "-- consulting time is my priority -- it pay well, that one day of work pays more than one week of work for many." So it can be assumed rightly or wrongly, depends how you read it, that in your spare time you help people by improving their circuits, and charge them consultancy.

You now claim that you meant companies not poeple, but that is not the picture that you painted.

Once again Nando, I urge you to try and not be ambiguious. If you get misunderstood, don't assume that the rest of the world are lying cheaters who are imbaciles (some of us are), but most are not.

I would prefer to think that I was not. You bare the responsibility for your comments. If they are poorly written, then they will be poorly understood or misconstrued. remember we can only see what you show us.

Before I go, I assume we will not be corresponding again, although I leave that door open, I still think that it is poor design that makes power electronics iffy. My designs  are poor, but work very well for me. Are yours good enough for others to emulate successfully . If not it's your fault. A better more stable design can be done for all.  But it won't be you, as you also have said..

".Basic reason I do not offer schematics -- First the effort to offer it is EXPENSIVE in time, if you are willing to offer it , it would take many hours ( sometimes several hundred hours ) to make the circuit work reliable."  

"To spend the time to develop a KIT that anyone can build takes a lot of time and money that unless many buy it, it would a financial disaster, so a job in futility.

MANY -- means several thousands !!"

I have developed projects in smaller runs than that..25, 50 just to help others in my industry. Mostly pwm traction motor drives like the curtis...and no Nando, curtis use curtis chips for their pwm driver so it's not a copy.mine use 324's   and 339's for that part.

I hope this gives you some insight as to "Here first ask what was said on what bases --"

goodbye Nando


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 06:06:31 AM by (unknown) »
Flinders Island Australia


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« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2006, 06:30:01 AM »

Subject says it all.


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 06:30:01 AM by (unknown) »

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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2006, 06:35:18 AM »
I wasn't really in on this part of the thread, just making a joke about the surgery.

 Somethings here are kinda off the wall I feel, but at the same time we all have our own opions and I can see everyones point in this.

We all want to get info that can help us build stuff. Some people don't want to worry about others getting hurt trying to build their design when the person was not qualified to do so. I don't mean collage degree qualified I mean know the difference between AC and DC qualified. How many NEWBIES have we had around here that probably don't even know magnet wire is not magnetic itself? Maybe don't know it has a varnish type insulation and just think it is bare wire? Well how bad could they hurt themselfs that way, probably not too bad. What if they try to wire up a 120V transformer and stick their tongue on it to see if it has power, probably get hurt pretty good.

Rather you want to post info to such people or worry about such things is your choice. I would not want to read your wifes post saying you won't be back because you were buiilding one of my circuits made an error and died or was blinded when YOU did something wrong and it blew up in your face.

Would that stop me from posting a decent circuit if I had one, well no, I would probably still post it and just hope for the best. Hope that people are smart enough not to test a 120V transformer with their tongue and just be very sad if I did read such a thing happened. Other people may not want to take that chance at all.

We all have to make a living somehow, life is not free. Offering lots of free help when needed is a great thing, but if that is how you make your living then there does have to be some limit to how much you give away for free.

I rarely ever fix other peoples old computers now for free or at all. I was always fixing old computers for every one free to help them out. I wanted to get into computer sales and repairs upgrades etc.. and open my own store a few years ago. That store would have been a large part of making my living. I never did open it though.

 Well geuss what, I offer to build a great computer for a low price to those people that had the old junk I was fixing free, but they go out to Wal-mart and buy junk for a higher price, then ask me to install the new DVD burner into it for them. Well somewhere there has to be limits, so they got stuck holding a DVD burner they did not know how to install or use and Wal-mart would not do it for them or show them how to do anything. Same thing with repairs on that junk, they bought it at wal-mart because they wanted the factory warauntee, OK then ship it back to the factory service center and lose everything on their hard drive, I don't care any longer. Before I would spend many hours recovering stuff from a broke drive doing it free. Then they buy a junk Wal-mart system instead of mine and the drive crashes, send it to the factory service center! They will install a new drive for free and throw away everything you had on the old one. They won't save anything off the old drive free like I would have, so why should I?

 It's not my system, I did not sell it, I did not build it, I did not make any profit, why should I fix it??

Now don't get me wrong, there are still a few people I do fix computers for at times and still free, just not every-one anymore. But if these few people ever buy a Wal-mart computer I won't be fixing that!!

So even though free stuff is good, if a person makes a living with it or is trying to, then not all of it should be expected to be given away free all of the time. If you try to build something and have trouble with part of the circuit yourself, who you gonna pay to fix it? The guy 1,000 miles away that designed it and trying to make a living or the TV repair guy down the street that can read the print you got free?

 As for my own electronic abilities, see the byline below. I am just qualified enough to know I should not test the 120V transformer with my tongue :)

 But if a meter is not handy I do still use it to test 9V square transitor radio type batteries like in my test meter when it does not seem to be working well.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 06:35:18 AM by (unknown) »

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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2006, 06:44:25 AM »
Gee with all that wind you should be happy and have lots of power :)

As far as this thread has gotten though, enough hot air in here I may build a hot air ballon and float over to OZ to visit awhile if it keeps up, seems to be enough available for the trip.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 06:44:25 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: BullseYe.
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2006, 06:51:15 AM »
Thanks TomW

I do try to be objective, but it's been blowin westerly here for too many days now, and it's a poor persons excuse to use, but it does somehow get me a little on edge with the constant battering.  So I'm not always as well behaved as I should be, but as I tried to explain, we can only see what he shows us, and I was sure I wasn't the only one seeing what I saw.  never mind, its time to move along from here.

I'm still "unpacking" on the island,and when I get everything sorted, I may just pull out the trusty gear and see what we can do.

I've no doubt that once someone really starts on it for the right reasons, then more will follow, and the group that Nando spoke of will form naturally. But a critical mass has to exist first. It doesn't have to be flash at the start, nothing ever is, but there is enough talent here that through open and i've no doubt frank discussion, we may move closer to an inverter system that is attainable by all who want to have a go. It would have to be basic, rugged reliable and above all doable by most. That is by no-means impossible.

forever hopeful.......oztules

ps and I don't even need one, thats the funny part.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 06:51:15 AM by (unknown) »
Flinders Island Australia

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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2006, 07:06:27 AM »
Yes, and clearly anything you have been paid for by a company which the company owns you cannot give out for free publicly either as you also said in another post.

I have read many of your posts, I find them to be helpful and free, never asking for anything in return. I have been here what 3 maybe 4 years myself. I remember the old forum although I forget my old ID on it.

MANY people here have been a great help, you are one of the many, and everything has always been free.

 Like I said in another reply a minute ago, when people do things for a living there has to be a limit to how much of it they can give away free, that means any-one and every-one and with just about anything.

Well I am going to start bonding the rubber rain suits together now, see other reply about a balloon and OZ :)

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 07:06:27 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2006, 07:51:41 AM »
don't lose heart NTL

All this free stuff, i believe in. I went into business with a fellow who was as keen as keen for the profit line. I am just the opposite. Ten years later he was completely convinced  of my ethos, and we sold up and both retired.

I tried hard to help people. 12-18 hours/day (not as lazy as Nando thinks) I tried to help our customers, I tried to help other suppliers in oppositioon to us, I helped other manufacturers to improve their designs directly against our own. I even helped train mechanics for the opposition maintenance companies...........sound to corny to be true..but it is true.

Looking back on it, It is impossible to see why it all worked out, but I'm retired now, happy in the knowledge that I never stopped uncondtionally helping all those who wanted help or education in whatever field I could help.

I now live on my dream island, retired from the city life, help the neighbours any way I can, even give em my cat 955l track loader, cat  12 grader for use for free (they only have to pay for the diesel, which is pretty good deal).n There's also the machine shop where they can have the use of any machine they need (lathe, bridport mill, brakepress etc.). And somehow it works out. A fish here, a tomato there you know, country stuff.

The Dans remind me of that unconditional help......does not seem to be hurting them does it. The more selfless they are, the more people gravitate to them. If only a few percent spend with them (and they wont push people to do that) it's a small percent of a massive number, and even those that don't, will feel goodwill, and others that meet them will be directed to them. Takes a while to get rolling, but once the right people for the right reasons start it, it takes a life on of its own. People with the wrong reasons cant get it to work, coz people aint dumb. How many people have you told about otherpower?....why?.... see what I mean.

The same happened in our business, and we became the only company that all companies would talk to and do things for if we needed something...coz they wouldn't talk to each other coz they were competition, but we weren't seen as that yet we were.

So NTL, It don't sound sensible or sane, and our accountant kicked up at first, but here I am retired..............i'm 49 y/o

Oh yeah, the power circuit and john doe. People can harm themselves anyway they want. Me and 12ax7 discussed valves and the good ole days. Everyone from that era has been zapped seriously with 4-500vdc. You learn quickly (most people do, I was a slow learner). With a bandsaw, you tend not to recover as well ask zubbly. And he is not my idea of a fool by a very very long shot. So the dummy argument doesn't hold up.

If someone gets hurt from an accident, it don't matter who's circuit it was, it wasn't the circuits's never the guns fault, it's never the cars fault. People make the faults. I would feel just as badly if it were your circuit as if it were mine, but in the end each person must take responsibility for their own actions.

Just how safe are those magnets anyhow.

anyhow, have a good one.........oztules

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 07:51:41 AM by (unknown) »
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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #44 on: March 06, 2006, 08:18:23 AM »
Well, not exactly the same boat.  You did get a patent.  What is the patent number?  I'd like to look it up sometime.  I guess this shows that neither academia or industry come with any guarantees for rational action.  Sometimes one wonders how any progress is made at all.

Considering that this thread is about inverters, I'd to go on record that I would like to see some workable schematics.  So far, it seems to be just a lot of talk.  While I agree with the comments about the effort it would take to do kits, I also feel that there is no reason not to put forth the various ides that people have.  If anyone uses them they do so at their own risk and it is up to them to learn the pitfalls.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 08:18:23 AM by (unknown) »

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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2006, 08:27:01 AM »
Me thinks you read far too much between the lines and too much interpetation of what was said as you may think it was meant but not actually stated.

I know of free software in the public domain I would love to find the source codes for. It does not make me a thief, not trying to steal it, not trying to profit from it, or anything else you would reffer to it as. It is simply something I know of from about 1989 when it was first written! It was free then, it was public domain even when first written, the programmers are long gone, the software cannot be found anywhere, what would be wrong with finding the teachers of the students that wrote the program and trying to get a copy from those teachers or have them search for it for me.???

The way you attack Nando on the exact same thing as I read it I am sure you would find a fault with this also.

 If one of the programmers is still around and wishes to profit from that old program that would be his choice, that does not change the fact that it was released as public domain and everyone has legal rights to it as public domain. The programers are long gone as in cannot be found, perhaps around somewhere or maybe all dead who knows. If I could learn something from that FREE PUBLIC DOMIAN source code there is nothing wrong with that, even if some-one else (like one of the progamers) is trying to profit from it there is nothing wrong with my getting it.

As for all the other things you read into it, I did not read any of that when I read his posts, only when I read yours. Take the following example...

"I designed such transformerless inverter about 8 or 10 years ago "


"Fanman found something close to it and he bought the schematic"

AND then you say

"If he bought your design, one would assume that he has bought it from you."

How do YOU READ bought one similar as being bought Nandos???? I do not read that at all. DO you own a car similar to a Ford, then it must have been made by Ford correct (no such thing as Chevy or Toyota), I think the logic that you state is that if they are similar they must all belong to the same person or company and there cannot be different ones that are close to each other made by different people or companies.

So all cars with 4 wheels and a gas engine are similar, they are all FORDS.

Maybe just a cultural difference but I am reading tons of things quoted here that were never said to begin with the way they are explained.

"" So it can be assumed rightly or wrongly, depends how you read it, that in your spare time you help people by improving their circuits, and charge them consultancy."

Assumed is the keyword, when you assume it is said

You make an ASS out of U and ME!  ASS U ME  ASSUME get it, perhaps stop assuming then. In this case it is not ME, but you are trying to making an ASS out of U and NANDO, Assunando, is that a Chineese word or Italian?

Do you not understand the difference in "work for pay" and "free time for free"? I never read anything about "free time for PAY" anywhere, where did that idea come from? Did I miss something, if so forget it because it ain't worth reading anyway.

"If they are poorly written, then they will be poorly understood or misconstrued."

I beleave in this case that should say "if they are poorly read" NOT poorly written.

"Are yours good enough for others to emulate successfully . If not it's your fault."

Never in a milion years is it  a designers fault if a person does not have the ability to make a simple solder joint. In electronics then that person would not "emulate successfully" hardly any circuit no matter how well written or simple it may be. Will such a person try your design, do you care if he burns down his house and kills the family in the middle of the night? Maybe some people do and some people don't, and maybe it's just a matter of a person should not try anything beyond the limits of their own skills, but when does that stop any of us??

 Well time to move on and stop all the nonsense that got started here. Maybe try to read more clearly what is actually written and just not worry about it so much or read things into it that is not there to begin with. The internet spans many countries and not everything is said or understood exactly the same way everywhere, sometimes not even everywhere in just one country is it all the exact samething. Just need to pick out the usefull stuff you understand and either try to learn or forget the other stuff. Not really worth losing sleep over it.

I am not taking any sides, picking on you, insulting you or anything else, just pointing out how I read the posts as written myself, and as you quoted them also, and that's not the same way you read them.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 08:27:01 AM by (unknown) »

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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2006, 10:07:38 AM »
Now see I like this post alot better than the other ones in here :)

Yep, you have alot of good points there. I go for the un-conditional stuff but maybe with limits. Limits and conditions are different things.

I repaired any old computer for people free that could not afford to get a decent new one. I limit the free repairs to those older systems of those people and not to new ones recently bought. The free repairs were never with any conditions attached, if I had the time I did the repair, often did it even if I did not really have the time to spare. I even supplied used parts free if I had them. Fixing a newly purchased computer was beyond that limit, no conditions, I just don't fix them. Warauntee on something I sold is not a condition it's part of the sale, so those new ones I fix if needed, but what I built was quality and rarely broke.

I have installed DVD burners and software and showed people how to author thier own disks free many times, no conditions. I was making money doing video work for people at the time, home camcorder movies to DVD and such. Although no conditions on the help I provided there were limits to how much I would do for them. I show them the basics and get them started then I expect them to learn from there, me providing help as needed.

 Many just wanted everything done for them and learn nothing themselfs. In such a case I am doing the daily work I was being paid for, but in my FREE time FREE. I got tired enough working for a living watching home movies that were borring to me for hours on end, I don't want to do the same work in my spare time also for free. Towards the end I did not even want to do it for pay, which is why I quit. Doesn't anyone ever take a camcorder to the beach or somewhere interesting?

 I geuss that is about the same thing as if a person were to bring me all the parts for a wind gennie, magnets, wire, resin, steel, etc.. and ask for help building it.

 Ok I am glad to HELP THEM build it, no conditions, but then they walk away and expect to come back Friday and get it???? That's beyond the limit of help perhaps.

 If they just drop off the parts and leave, is that really helping them build it?

Same with many other things. No conditions on what I do, but maybe a limit how much I can do.

Gave a really nice car to a needy family when I learned theirs got smashed, no conditions, paid to tranfer the title and register it for them too because they didn't have the money. That was kind of the limit, I did not pay to insure it for them or fill up the gas tank. Come to think of it, I think I filled it up right before I told them they could have it, so it didn't need any gas anyway. Not something I drug out of the field, it was the car I was driving myself. Well, ok I geuss that one did have a condition attached, they had to bring me home so I could get a different car to drive myself, I didn't want to walk home :)

I think that's why I like the forum here so much, we are all trying to help each other in many ways with many things. We don't really expect anything in return and we all learn and bennifit in various ways.

For the most part we all get along well and things get accomplished. The information that is shared helps everyone build new and better things often. No matter how much help we provide to some-one they still have to do it themselfs for most things. Not a matter of them asking for help and dropping off parts, saying I'll be back Friday to get it.

Perhaps though there are a few things some people feel should not be posted where just anyone could stumble onto it and hurt themselfs. I could maybe explain how to build firecrackers, but do I want some 8 yr old blowing his fingers off or worse with my info and daddies black powder for the 50cal riffle? I think not. Ya, daddy should have had it locked up, but that's besides the point.

Something like that may be ok to e-mail out, but I would not post it probably. Been so long since I made them myself though I would not e-mail info to anyone either. Fuses can be dangerous, and I forget somethings about making them I think.


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 10:07:38 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #47 on: March 06, 2006, 12:38:14 PM »
"What happens to a gennie if the top half of rotor gets 60mph winds and the lower half only gets 20mph winds?"

Hmmm, fun question to ponder.  The flexing of each half mile long blade would certainly be impressive and the disparate winds between the top and bottom would create a pretty nasty unequal pressure on the shaft bearings.  Little wonder that this hasn't been done.

The good news, though, is that a one mile high windmill would be nowhere near the jet stream since, if it is overhead, it generally starts at around 30,000 feet.  I just checked the winds-aloft forecast for Albany, NY (picking an inland New England-ish area since it most closely represents where I live) and here are the numbers:

  1.       17 mph
  2.     25 mph
  3.     24 mph
  4.     20 mph
  5.     40 mph
  6.     46 mph
  7.     51 mph
  8.     43 mph
  9.     37 mph

Clearly the jet-stream is not over Albany this afternoon.  I poked around and found that South Carolina is under the jet stream right now, and here are the numbers from  Columbia, SC:

  1.       13 mph
  2.     26 mph
  3.     47 mph
  4.     55 mph
  5.     85 mph
  6.     115 mph
  7.     127 mph
  8.     122 mph
  9.     103 mph

That winds there still don't approach the jetstream speeds in the 2600-7800 foot range.


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 12:38:14 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2006, 01:06:44 PM »
well, this thread might be over now, so i dont know why i bother, but i just wanted to say:

1. creator satisfaction:

i have been a programmer for quite a few years now. i have worked my backside off for a company to build a product, only to find that management did something stupid and all that work disappeared.

so now i tend to work harder on free software projects, and find that i can come back in a couple years and folks are still using/extending/depending on that code, in a far more satisfying way than ever got from closed source software. you want something for folks to remember you by? give.

2. builder saftey:

i understand that a high-voltage dc battery bank is far, far more dangerous than mis-using a little bit of sourcecode, but i am inclined to think that some folks are going to try it, even without professional help. a rudimentary sketch on the back of a napkin would take some of you guys 10 minutes to write up, and be far, far safer than what is going to happen anyway.

guys are going to build this stuff, and saving that guy a few 10's of bucks in power electronics and reducing his likelyhood of getting burned for a few minutes of your time? sure put a big warning and disclaimer on it. anyone crazy enough to build it, knows that they are crazy, and is not likely to blame you!


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 01:06:44 PM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #49 on: March 06, 2006, 01:07:18 PM »
Don't knock it till you try it...

You wouldn't be the first one who would perform surgery on himself, simply because there's no doctor available and the situation is life-threatening nonetheless. Some stories from solo sailing voyages come to mind.

Anesthaetics? Ehm, see that bottle of brandy over there? Oh no, wait, you've got to operate yourself. Sorry, just bite through the pain :(


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 01:07:18 PM by (unknown) »
“Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.” (W. von Braun)


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2006, 01:57:00 PM »
Fair and reasonable critisism. ntl

Sadly we all read the same news, but we tend to come away with two polarised views..

eg You all have access to the same information, but it is percieved differently by nearly 50% of the population... look at most polls about most subjects.

We assimilate information through our own predjudice wheather we want to or know it or not.

It's just how the world is


« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 01:57:00 PM by (unknown) »
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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2006, 02:02:37 PM »

point 1. the end, only kindness matters.

point 2. sensible commentry

« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 02:02:37 PM by (unknown) »
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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2006, 11:21:26 AM »
I feel I have to put in my $.02 worth on this subject. I have been on this Board for about a year. I am no electronic whiz like a lot of you guys. I come here to learn and then build things I need for my off-grid home.

A while back, I posted a question about a generator problem. One of those to respond was Nando. He gave me some good info and I was able to repair the generator. When I saw that he called himself "Hydro," I emailed him and asked him if he knew much about them. Boy, does he!!

Over the last 9 months or so, he has done so much for me I can't begin to list all of it. Not only did he educate me on the subject, but he also rewired the motor for me, built me a load controller, and walked me through the installation and troubleshooting.


I have RARELY come across anyone who is so generous with his time and knowledge. So it bothers me greatly when people question his motives. As far as I'm concerned - NANDO IS THE BEST!!

« Last Edit: March 10, 2006, 11:21:26 AM by (unknown) »


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Re: Speaking of inverters
« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2006, 12:06:40 AM »

Thanks must go to every contributor of this forum. We all have to make a living and this is our hobby and it may not be possible to reply to every query.

Thanks must go to Jerry, commanda, Nando and many others who, like the Open Software community, especially the Linux community, help one another.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2006, 12:06:40 AM by (unknown) »