Remote Living > Housing

Greenhouse anyone?

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I don't have any specific questions, just trying to find out who has experience with them. I am hoping to get some pointers or do's and don't do's. This is still completely in the thought and planning process. With nothing set in stone, I am open to any ideas. We are thinking about going with a 12x16 or something to that affect. We don't need it to be huge. We just want something to grow fresh produce durring the cold months.


--- Quote from: JMaris on May 07, 2010, 04:17:07 PM ---I don't have any specific questions, just trying to find out who has experience with them. I am hoping to get some pointers or do's and don't do's. This is still completely in the thought and planning process. With nothing set in stone, I am open to any ideas. We are thinking about going with a 12x16 or something to that affect. We don't need it to be huge. We just want something to grow fresh produce durring the cold months.

--- End quote ---

If you don't want to be putting a lot of energy/money into heating it, I'd go with a solar greenhouse design.   Some discussed here:

Solar greenhouses in colder climates usually have some form of double glazing and insulation on the surfaces not glazed.
I like the book:  The Homeowner's Complete Handbook For Add- On Solar Greenhouses and Sunspaces, Andrew  Shapiro
Its out of print, but available at places like used books.


The store bought stuff isn't cheap, either. The better green houses use UV protected plastics. Otherwise every couple of years you will have to replace the panels.

If you need to start plants before the last chance of frost in the spring, indoors under a grow light or by a south facing window is a lot cheaper.

I made a 10x10' greenhouse about 8 yrs ago thinking we'd grow some tomatoes at least. It still hasn't had any plants in ended up getting used as more of a tool/potting shed since it's so small. It kind of makes me mad since I built it for Fathers Day and even got him a misting setup that's still in the box..oh well...

My advice is to use 2x4 and plywood and build it like a tiny barn. The metal strips people use to hold their trusses together aren't as nice looking as plywood. I cut everything to size first and applied a lot of sealer before assembling. Mine sits on a concrete pad so the footer is a treated 4x4. We got a roll of fiberglass sheeting for the sides and corrugated stuff for the roof...both have held up pretty well but the roofing looks a little old now.

If you plan ahead you can probably get it done in a long weekend like I did. My only real advice is to make sure it's big enough before you start.

Thanks for the ideas guys. We are definitely going to go with a solar green house. Given, we don't have very harsh winters, but I think a solar green house will be the best option for growing year round. Since we haven't even moved out to our new place yet, we have a little time to get everything figured out before we "break ground".  I already found a good mister at Sam's Club for $35 that we are going to pick up on thursday. I priced the clear PVC "green house" panels at Lowe's today and they were $26 for a 26'x12' sheet. Now I have to do some more research and then some designing.  I will definitely keep everyone updated and will take tons of pics when we get the build going.


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