OK, I dropped the tower again and opened my air gap some more. This is a 24 volt DanB built 10 footer. round magnets and the "HD"stator. It is wound with 2 strands of #15, 55 turns. I measured the air gap and it is right at 3/4" now.
It's not real windy today, but I noticed the difference immediately... better speed and better output at low battery voltage. I was having stalling issues before at 26V but the thing flew great at 29V. Now the batteries are floating on solar at 26.8V and the turbine is cranking out 10-15A in what I consider pretty mild winds (sorry no anemometer).
So, having burned up my first stator (thinner wire, rectangular magnets) last fall in a wicked storm, I'm concerned about burning this one up. I know that getting the furling right is the most important thing. The machine seemed to furl well at 29V before. I never saw the tail fully fold up, but it was not able to sustain 40 amps, the rotor seemed to push itself out of the wind every time I saw a big power spike.
So I guess what I want to know is... Is this thing going to make way more power than it did before at 28-29V and if it furled OK before, has opening up the air gap changed it's furling characteristics? Right now, I'm afraid to let it run unattended until I can see what it does in good strong winds.