Homebrewed Electricity > Other

PMA size


How big can you make a PMA?  Is it possible to make one that is 3 feet round??  Reason why I am asking is I got to see a wood gasifier in action.  He was running a small 4 cylinder car engine with it at idle.    Could you make a pma that size and be able to run it a 800 to 1200 rpms for 8 hours a day???  The guy didn't have very many answers to my question.  I figured that size maybe you could put cooling tubes in it to keep it cool.  Just wondering.

I think I remember seeing a 4' pma made by an "African ?" village for hydro power. Here it is:  http://www.craftskills.biz/hydro-cameroon.htm


Thanks for the reply thurmond.  That is what I wanted to know. 


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