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WVO users beware, you have more competition!

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Probably old news to some of you but it's news to me.

Bruce S:
Had not seen that at all, sure looks spiffy.
Thanks for posting I may go  looking for some place close that is looking them to see how well the operate.

Bruce S

I know next to nothing about the grease game and I haven't researched it much but a few things I found:
From http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-10131011-54.html

--- Quote ---Customers lease the product through a third-party leasing company for $435 a month, which includes two years of maintenance.

Rather than dump oil into a waste bin, restaurant workers put it into the Vegawatt machine. Normally, a restaurant needs to pay to have the oil hauled.
--- End quote ---

I find it hard to believe that any restaurant in a town of almost any size would have to pay for grease removal.
Aren't there people standing in line waiting to get that grease?

Bruce S:
  There are people standing in line even around here in the city, BUT some sneaky container companies have started complaining that they have contracts with different restaurants for pickup.
Now the container people are asking the city to make WVO'ers have hazard hauling licenses. The container people were selling the grease to WVO-bio-producers to boot. What a racket.

The bigger 'raunts by law  have to have container companies on the books for pickup otherwise they get into trouble with rodent/bug control side of licenses. I can understand the need to keep the place clean. It's hard enough having snooty Chefs making big messes all over the place, needing to keep up with dirty oil makes it harder.

Most will save a carboy or two for greasers, unless you stop coming by for more than 2 weeks in a row (notify them about vacations is understood).
I still get enough from mom-pop places to keep my 55 gal container near full.

Bruce S




--- Quote from: Bruce S on May 25, 2010, 01:23:34 PM ---
Now the container people are asking the city to make WVO'ers have hazard hauling licenses.

--- End quote ---

I wonder if the food delivery company trucks that bring the fresh VO have that license?


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