Homebrewed Electricity > Other

Battery charging with slow speed diesel


Hey everybody, I have a 5 1/2 h.p. bamfords diesel I would like to use to charge 8 L16 batterys at 24V. Would i be better off using an alternator or a generator? I have an outback inverter now, with a 10KW 34 H.P. 4 cylinder diesel genset that uses way to much fuel. thanks in advance.

bob g:
you will be better off with an alternator, "if"  you do it right you can get very good efficiency too.

check out the pdf file at


the white paper outlines how to get remarkable efficiency from an off the shelf 12volt alternator to charge at 28.8vdc
which is just what you need. the example produces 2.88kwatts of power which is within the capability of your engine.
the unit runs at a documented 80% efficiency which places it way ahead of simply using a standard off the shelf 24volt alternator
and likely ahead of simply plugging in a charger into a AC generator.

it would be a good match in my opinion

bob g

Hi Bob,

I'm interested in reading your paper, but your link doesn't show anyway to access the pdf.

Can you post it to the Otherpower Board somehow, so I can access it.



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