OtherPower > Upcoming Events

Homebrew Wind Worskhop-- The Evergreen Institute, Gerald, Missouri, July 25-30,



This one is coming up in a couple weeks, there are still a few spots open if anybody is interested!  We'll hopefully build about 3 wind turbines at the Evergreen institute - it's a nice place (a bit hot and humid but otherwise very nice) with a huge shop and lots of open space.

Here's a web page about the same event last year:  http://otherpower.com/evergreen2009.shtml

We're being brought out there by Dan Chiraz's 'Evergreen Institute' - you can go here for more details and registration:  http://www.evergreeninstitute.org//index.cfm?Page=docs/Home%20Brew%20Wind%20Turbine%202

It'll be a lot of fun!

Ok, How about you guys have a work shop here in pa....



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